~the morning before~

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When Beomgyu woke up that morning, it took him a whole of two seconds to completely panic. He was so exhausted from the running around and emotional trauma that was initiated last night that when he had finally made it home, he completely crashed, not even thinking of the morning that would follow. But now it seemed as if that time was upon him and as the anxiety began to eat him up, Beomgyu slowly sunk back into the comforts of his own bed, wrapping his plethora of blankets around him as if it could protect him from the inevitable.

"I'll call in sick," he murmured to himself, nodding as if to reassure his conscience that he would do so and save himself from the daunting day ahead of him. However, life seemed to have very different plans because at that moment Yeonjun burst into his room, his door slamming into the wall, the crashing noise causing the younger to surge out of his bed with a scream.

"Get up!" The older yelled, marching over to Beomgyu's blackout curtains and throwing them open. The younger immediately cowered under the covers, a strangled hiss erupting out of his mouth as he tried to save his eyes from the sudden sunlight.

"I'm calling in sick today!" He screamed back, his voice muffled by the layers.

"Oh hell no!" His best friend responded, running and ripping the covers off the boy like a mom would her son. "Not on my watch."

"Hyung, please," he begged, grabbing the older's hands in his own. "I don't think my heart can take it. I think I will actually collapse and they will have to take me to a hospital and I will DIE!" The older glanced at him, completely unimpressed, before shaking off his best friend's hold and walking towards the boy's closet. Yeonjun threw the door open and sashayed inside, only to come back a few moments late with a simple, yet stylish sweater he had made Beomgyu buy a few weeks ago and a pair of black ripped jeans.

"Hurry up and meet me downstairs you wet noodle," he murmured, throwing the outfit towards the younger and walking out of the room, descending the stairs at the end of the hall. Beomgyu groaned but did as he was told, knowing full well that he couldn't escape the inevitable. As he threw on the white sweater, his stomach began to roll, wrapping itself in the gut-wrenching feeling of anxiety. Beomgyu began to break out into a cold sweat, his hands growing clammy and his heartbeat going faster by the second. How would he face the whole student body? How would he face his friends? How would he face Taehyun?

The more the boy thought it over the more he began to panic. Sure he had known this day was coming and of course, he wilted each and every time he realized that but now that it was here, he felt as if it would be a miracle he would be able to walk through the school doors. He sighed, grabbing the sticky notes from the night before, and took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair before making his way downstairs, using the railing as support so that he wouldn't fall due to his wobbling knees.

When he made it to the bottom floor he stumbled over to Yeonjun, who handed him a pear to eat and tossed him his backpack. "Let's go you old man, we're going to be late!" He prompted, teasing the younger gently as to distract him from the giant that stood before him.

"My knees are shaking," Beomgyu whined, glancing down at his legs.

"That's what happens when you grow old."

"You mean you feel like this all the time!"

"Gyu- I- I swear to god," the older murmured, slapping the boy over the head. "I'm only a few years older than you!" The younger chuckled and nodded, waving his best friend's hand away.

"Yeah, yeah, alright you old man."


Once they were completely ready, the younger grabbed his keys and phone and locked the door behind them as they exited his home. The drive was quick and they got there within a matter of minutes, parking in the designated lot for Beomgyu's grade before getting out of the car.

"I hate this," he whispered, his eyes glued to the side of the school.

"I know you do."

"I wanna go home."

"I know you do."

"I want to pass away."

"I know, but no," Yeonjun chuckled, grabbing his friend's wrist and pulling him towards the school entrance. "I talked to the principal and he said you could do the reveal at lunch. It was supposed to be in the morning but he figured he would give you a bit more time to enjoy the silence."

"How considerate of him," the younger grumbled as they stumbled into school. The warning bell rang had already rung and the oldest turned towards the artist. He put his hands on Beomgyu's shoulders, giving him a light squeeze.

"You've got this," he said seriously, making Beomgyu gulp. "You can do this. It's amazing and absolutely incredible, you have nothing to be afraid of, and everyone is going to love you. I'll meet you in the art room and I'll go with you okay? You won't be alone in this."

The younger cocked his head to the side and smiled, genuinely this time, his eyes crinkling up in the corners, a light flush colored his cheeks at the compliment and he nodded, pulling the older in for a hug.

"Thank you Hyung," he whispered into Yeonjun's shoulder, "for everything."

His friend chuckled and wrapped his arms around the shaking boy, patting his head comfortingly. "Anything for my little dongsaeng," he joked.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes, still smiling, and shoved his best friend away. "See you at lunch," he stated, nodding his head, his eyes on fire with determination.

Yeonjun smiled and nodded, throwing a pair of finger guns at him. "See you at lunch."

As Beomgyu walked through the halls towards his first class, his ears began to pick up parts of conversations the students were having. Of course, the topic didn't surprise him and it definitely didn't help him either.

"The artist is revealing themselves today!"

"Isn't it crazy?"

"My curiosity has been eating me up for the past few days!"

"It'll finally be over!"

At each passing statement, Beomgyu began to cower deeper into the comforting folds of his sweater, wishing to disappear back into the confines of his own room. Be anywhere but where he was now. He was about to make a run for it, completely ready to pass his class when his phone buzzed. Taking a shuddering breath, he pulled the device out of his pocket and glanced at the notification lighting up the screen.

From: that student council guy <3

Gyu, Taehyun said there was no way it was you.

Prove him wrong you motherfucker okay?

Make me proud, son T-T

Beomgyu scoffed, rolling his eyes, and slid his phone back into his pocket, although he couldn't ignore the light smile that took over his features. His best friend always knew how to throw in a pinch more of determination when it was needed, and the younger couldn't help but be grateful for it. Taehyun didn't think it was him, huh? Well, you beautiful strawberry looking asstown, let me prove you wrong. 

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