~the third entry~

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I'm back~

School is evil but it's fInE


Returning to the school at night became more of a habit to Beomgyu as he rolled out his cart and once again stood in front of the mural. He smiled as more notes, a larger number than yesterday, were spread across the surrounding wall. He decided to leave them be for now and to answer them later after he finished the next step. He was honestly surprised that the process moved so quickly (A/N: Me too man- I'm painting a mural right now and it's literally taking me ages lol) and was genuinely happy that he only had a day or two left before finishing. Getting to work, he blasted a mix of BTS, got7, Conan Gray, and Alec Benjamin through his earphones, humming along to the lyrics.

Two hours had passed and Beomgyu had finally stepped back from the wall, stretching his back and shoulders as he looked at the finished product. He had finished the first body in his piece and couldn't say he was disappointed. The boy he had painted was looking up to the sky, his back facing the audience, and was dressed in a red jacket over a grey hoodie and a pair of jean shorts with white shoes. He stood on top of the water fountain Beomgyu had painted the previous day and the unique thing about him was his purplish hair and deer antlers that sat on the top of his head, his right one snapped in half, it's broken end gripped in the boy's fist.

Beomgyu stroked the figure before backing away. This painting was a beautiful, broken story. One that he hoped would be told through his peers if he was able to convey the story well enough. He hoped when it was finished that he could tell Yeonjun... and maybe the others as well, the story.

After he packed up the rest of his paints and the mat, Beomgyu went to work on answering the notes. He answered all the questions about his identity with a simple 'You'll see' and all the 'this is amazing, I love your work!" comments, or one's that were similar with several versions of 'Thank you's' and 'that means the world's'. And lastly, he came to a longer note. Peeling it off the wall, he recognized the beautiful penmanship of a certain red-headed boy that made his heart flutter on one too many occasions.

"Hello, mystery artist. This is looking better every day and I have started to look forward to seeing the new progress more and more. Someone I know has told me something that I found both interesting and sad. He said that his art would disappoint him a lot if he wasn't able to convey the right message no matter how beautiful his pieces were. I hope you're able to share yours, whatever that may be, in this piece, and that you won't be disappointed. And know that I, at least, appreciate the amount of heart and soul you are pouring into this project.

And Who are you?."

Beomgyu stared at these words for a good number of minutes, reading them over and over again. This boy somehow always knew what to say when Beomgyu needed to hear them and yet it almost felt as if he was being mocked. The younger kept using words that he and Beomgyu had exchanged, citing things the older had said and proceeding to spit it back into Beomgyu's face as a compliment or positive comment. He didn't understand how the boy did it. Beomgyu shook his head, a small smile playing at his lips, and sat down, beginning to respond.

"Hello, mystery writer. Thank you for the praise, as it always makes me want to work harder. What this boy has told you is a very prominent and true feeling, one that has haunted me several times but what I can say is that I have a good feeling about this one. As long as those close to me understand it, that is all I can ask for although I do hope those who pass by at least create their own message.

And, you'll see."

Beomgyu sighed, sticking the note back on its home spot on the wall before walking the cart back to the art room and closing up the school, once again flicking the lights off before exiting the building.

Taehyun's words echoed in his head that night. Beomgyu wasn't sure but the way he spoke to him in the notes sounded as if he knew who he was, or at least he knew a little. That scared the artist but he couldn't do much about it. For some reason, the idea of Taehyun's judgment and thoughts seemed a lot more daunting than anyone else's, towering over all the others and Beomgyu concluded that if the younger student didn't like his painting then it would hurt a lot more than anyone else's opinion.

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