~the fifth entry and a call~

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Beomgyu stood in front of his painting, a small smile forming over his features as he studied the detail he had put into the piece. He was shockingly proud of it this far and hoped that he would stay that way until the finished product.

He began to work on the next figure in the painting, adding him to the right of the boy on the fountain. This boy was also facing with his back to the artist, his own eyes focused upon the swirling sky, much like the boy before him. He was seated on the large stump, a blue umbrella resting beside him. He wore a blue shirt and his hair was dark brown and he had two long ears on either side of his head. Elf ears, Beomgyu liked to call them. Simple and yet different. Although it didn't seem like much, it took Beomgyu an hour to finish completely, the highlights and shadows making him look more realistic.

Taking a step back, the artist allowed himself to take in the whole of the painting plus the new addition in silent approval. The painting was slowly growing on him and he couldn't help but feel excited every day to come that night and paint the next piece.

Beomgyu finally turned his attention to the ever-present notes and moved to answer them, leaving TAehyun's to be last as usual. When he finally came around to it he gently removed it from the wall and slid to the floor, eyes already moving steadily across the beautifully written words.

"Hello, mystery artist. This has become more of a normal thing for my day than I would like to admit. Today I like to think that I officially cleared the guy I know from my suspect list today so now I'm left with absolutely no clue as to who you are. But I can't help but feel infatuated with you. A weird thing to write on a sticky note and place on a wall for a guy that I don't even know the name of, and yet I wrote it nonetheless. Anywhoo, moving on, as always it's looking good- I love the added details and the style you use. It's very unique. And, as always I ask with little hope for an answer,

Who are you?"

Beomgyu felt his face heat up as he read these words. He was glad his real identity was cleared but as he continued on he felt rather flustered. Of course, he had been interested since the first time he had laid eyes on Taehyun but to see the feeling was reciprocated was rather unexpected. Of course, he reminded himself, Taehyun didn't know him. He wasn't interested in Beomgyu but instead the mystery artist. The boy that was talented and insightful and confident. Someone who Beomgyu was not in front of a lot of people. He was just the shy artist boy with one friend and three acquaintances that could barely look anyone in the eye. And for the first time, Beomgyu, just for a second, regretted hiding his identity. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts before flipping the paper over to respond.

"Hello, mystery writer. It comforts me to hear this haha, for it has also become part of my day. A part that I look forward to. As for the friend, they seemed to have you really confused now didn't they? I guess you'll just have to find out along with everyone else. As for the infatuation, I must say I'm flustered at the comment however, to say I didn't feel the same would be a lie. A lot of what we write here is weird to put on sticky notes so here we are. Thank you for the praise, it means the world. And as always, I answer you the same

You'll see."

Beomgyu nodded, replacing the sticky note before standing up and cleaning his place. He was driving home when his phone rang and, glancing at the number that flashed across the screen, he knitted his eyebrows in confusion. It was an unknown number so he shrugged it off, focusing back on the road, assuming it was a spam call or a mistake. However, when the number called again a few moments later his curiosity got the best of him and he answered it, putting the call on speaker.

Loud music suddenly filled his car from the phone along with a lot of murmuring and whispering and a few louder yells. "Hello?" he asked timidly, eyes on the road as he neared his neighborhood.

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