~the realization pt.2~

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When he exited the cafe, Beomgyu wheeled around, searching the passing crowds frantically for his date. Finally, his eyes were able to make a bobbing mass of red out among the masses and he ran after him, slipping between groups of people and twisting around walking pedestrians, his only thought being to catch up to Taehyun.

It took him a few moments but he was finally able to get within arms reach of the boy. He huffed as he snatched Taehyun's hand and pulled him hard into his chest. The younger stumbled at the unexpected touch and his eyes widened when his gaze met Beomgyu's.

"Tae, what's wrong?" the artist pleaded, taking the younger's hands into his as he pulled the boy over to the side of the buildings to get out of the way of the tired workers and distracted crowds. Taehyun stood frozen for a moment before he ripped his hands from Beomgyu's grip and forced his gaze to the side to avoid the older's piercing gaze,

"Nothing," he spat, folding his arms over his chest. Beomgy's eyebrows arched and he frowned, his originally outstretched hands dropping to his sides.

"I'm not an idiot, Taehyun, that's a load of bullshit."

"Fuck off, Beomgyu," he hissed, of which the older's jaw only dropped.

"Excuse me?"

"I said fuck off!"

"Hyun, talk to me, what the hell is wro-"

"God, just leave me alone!" The boy yelled, his fists clenched at his sides. Passing people glanced at the two boys, some in irritation, others in concern but no one stopped to see what was wrong, Beomgyu's frown deepened and he huffed, trying his best to control his irritation and keep his head level.


"Don't call me that."

"What the hell did I do?"

"It doesn't matter!" He yelled again, leaving Beomgyu even more baffled. Night had begun to fall, the sun brushing against the horizon in its final few moments of light and the older knew it was not safe to stay out, yelling at each other like this, so he did the only thing he knew to do. He grabbed Taehyun's arm, gently yet tight, making sure the boy couldn't pull away and dragged him towards his car. "Beomgyu, let me go!" Taehyun hissed, his voice quieter when he realized passersby might get the wrong impression.

"Not until you fucking talk to me Taehyun," Beomgyu snapped, his voice dangerously low. "I don't know what the hell made you so upset, but you're going to fucking tell me about it. We aren't in a drama, we aren't going to magically solve this without a discussion, this is real life and I need to know what has you so damn mad, got it?"

Taehyun was stricken into silence at Beomgyu's words and tone used in his delivery. He hadn't heard the boy talk quite like that before and the new sound sent shivers down his spine. This was a new side of Beomgyu that he had not quite seen yet, although it has been close, and part of him couldn't help but jump in anticipation. He wanted to pull away so bad and walk off into the night and allow himself to clear his head, but Beomgyu's grip and words held him there, trapped. Part of himself wouldn't let him walk away, and that only made his annoyance worse. He knew he was overreacting, but he couldn't help it. The scene inside the cafe cracked him.

Beomgyu led him to the car and opened the passenger seat, allowing the younger to climb in himself before slamming the door shut and stalking to the other side of the vehicle. Beomgyu was confused, to say the least. He was confused and slightly pissed but most of all, he was concerned. He hadn't seen this side of Taehyun since he had revealed himself as the artist and he was pretty sure he hadn't lied to him since then so what the hell had him so upset? He crawled into the driver's seat and pulled out of the now-empty parking lot, driving towards his home in suffocating silence. This was the first car ride they had had with no music and no conversation. The silence was eating at their nerves and the thick atmosphere was drowning them, one plagued with worry and the other plagued with anger.

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