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third person pov.

About two hours passed after they started on their project and it was mostly yeonjun teasing the younger. "Do you ever stop."

"I just can't help teasing a cutie like you." Yeonjun pinched his cheeks resulting to Soobin swatting his hand away. "I have a curfew, okay? That leaves me with two more hours, now what do you wanna do?"

"Oh~ does Choi Soobin want to spend more time with me." Yeonjun places his hand on his chest, looking surprised. 

"Excuse me. It's not like I want to spend time with you, I have to spend time with you. There's a differen-" the older hushed him, "Let's go to a book café, I see your little nose in a book all the time." The yellow haired male pinched his nose and genuinely smiled.

"Wha- Really!? There's one near by?" Soobin asked as his eyes shined. The older nodded and took the younger's hand to lead him out of the house.

"Hey mum? I'll be going with this cutie to the book cafe!" His mum chuckled at her son, "sure, but make sure to take care of Soobin if something happens to him, Choi Yeonjun. I will-"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes, but he was very much terrified of the consequences. "Okay Mum! I will." and off they went.


After a few minutes of talking, well, it was mostly Yeonjun annoying the hell out of Soobin-- The café was in sight. Soobin adored the visuals of the café. The book shelves, the white tables and the colourful seats, fairy lights that hung from the wall, everything just looked so magical.

His eyes wandered the café in amazement, Yeonjun just observed the younger. His slim waist, his thighs, his dimples that show when he pouts, his eyes when it glistens in amazement, his soft purple hair that moved gracefully as he turned his head to take in everything he was seeing in the café.

Yeonjun couldn't believe that he never paid attention to this beautiful person.

Soobin locks eyes with a book that he was the sequel to the book he just finished reading. "Oh my god- I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS EVERYWHERE!" the older looked at the male who looked very much pleased.

"What'd you find?" Yeonjun smiled, placing his hand on the other's shoulder. Soobin grinned, lifting up the book he'd always wanted to read with someone.

The brunette walked over to a table and sat there quietly, as he opened the book. Yeonjun sat down beside him and went on his phone, Soobin was hoping to read it with him but it seemed like he had other plans.

The yellow haired male turned to look at the male who was absorbed into his book but had a slight disappointed look. Yeonjun's eyes frown but lit up, having an idea.

"Hey Soobin~", the male hummed, "Choi Soobin~" the older called his name quite a number of times, and was starting to get on soobin's nerves. "Is it so hard to get a little silence in here?" the younger mumbled, "So~ last night, I was reading The Book of Numbers but I realised, I didn't have yours".

"Let me read in peace, Choi!" Soobin turned his back on the older, hearing a faint chuckle.

"Awh, does Soobinie not like my pick up lines?"

"Did I ever tell you, I despise someone disturbing me while I'm doing anything?"

"No, you actually never told me" Yeonjun teased, Soobin groaned in annoyance, putting the book on his face.

"Hello sirs, we'll be closing in about 30 minutes." Soobin lifted up his head and smiled, "Ah yes, thank you. What's the time?", the young woman looked at her watch. "It's currently 4:30, why-"

"What the fu- how did two hours pass by already?" Soobin started to pack his bags, while thinking of an excuse to say to his mum.

The younger felt a hand on his back, "just chill for a sec, tell your mum that I held you up", Soobin perked his head up and thanking the older, immediately heading for the exit.

"damn, he's too cute."


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