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third person pov.

The smell of books filled the room, and a bit of lavender. The same yellow fairy lights hung above the ceiling, once again feeling like it was a fairy tale. Soobin excitedly sat down on one of the tables and took out the book he borrowed a few weeks back.

Yeonjun chuckled at the bunny, he felt a light tap on his should and was faced with a bored looking female. "Junnie~ this is kind of boring~", Yeonjun was starting to get irritated.

"Yeona, you suggested this." the yellow haired male tried to reason with her but she stayed put.

"How about let's go somewhere else, and leave Soobin. He looks like he's busy." She smiled innocently, though she said something that Yeonjun didn't like very much. "Okay fuck you Yeona, if you don't want to stay, be my guest and leave." Yeonjun crossed his arms and waited for her response.

She stammered and scoffed, "I- whatever." The blonde female stomped her way out of the cafe. The yellow haired male heard a familiar voice call his name, "Yeonjun? Where's Yeona?" Soobin looked around for the blonde haired female but she was nowhere to be seen. "Ah.. she had to leave Soobs~ but it's just us now." The older smiled warmly at the bunny.

The younger smiled back and took his hand, leading the older back to the table. "Let's read together!" Soobin opened the book, his eyes went from left to right every page. Yeonjun watched in awe, seeing how a thick, boring book can get the male so engrossed in the story.

"You really have the love for books, huh?" Yeonjun chuckled and softly pinched his cheeks, the younger rubbed his cheek and pouted. "Well, I'm one of the many people who like reading." Soobin stated proudly, "well I'm the complete opposite" yeonjun laughed out, "but it's cute seeing you read."

Soobin blushed a tint of pink at the older's statement, Yeonjun wraps his arm around Soobin's shoulder, causing soobin to gently place his head on the older's shoulder. 

The two stayed like that for a while, comfortable silence filled the cafe. Yeonjun started singing a song that Soobin has never heard before, the older's voice was comforting and soothing which made the younger instantly feel tired like a baby being sung to sleep.

The bunny eventually falling asleep in the older's arms, feeling warm and safe. Yeonjun ended the song on a soft note, and looked over to the younger who was sleeping peacefully. Yeonjun smiled and decided to wait for a few more minutes until he takes him back home.


"Soobin, wake up.." the older softly shook the younger who was struggling to open his eyes. "Darling, if you don't open your eyes I'll kiss you." Yeonjun threatened, Soobin didn't hear him so he went back to sleep.

The older shrugged and kissed him on the forehead, making the younger blush. Seeing that nothing worked to wake Soobin, the yellow haired male had an idea, "Soobin. It's 5PM, the cafe will be closing soon." 

Soobin shot up and looked at the older's brown orbs, "fine~ let's go.." the younger pouted as he rubbed his eyes.

"Cutie~" Yeonjun grabbed the male's hand and briskly walked out of the cafe, which made the younger groan. "Why are you going so fast? My legs aren't cooperating at the moment." Yeonjun widened his eyes, thinking of a something else. 

The fox shook his head and continued walking, the younger yawned and went inside the passenger seat, smiling because Yeona wasn't there. The older took the driver's seat and drove to younger's house.

Yeona was barely mentioned in the chap. How are you guys liking the book so far? I don't know why but I'm kinda getting nervous when people read my work.

edit: I'm getting TOO nervous 38K people just read it- uh.. thank you though <3

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