third person pov.
It was the middle of the week, Soobin felt like walking to school today, not like he had any other choices. He saw a familar blonde head in the distance, Soobin walked faster to catch up with the older.
"hey Yeonjun." the older looked up from his phone with confused eyes, but it softened when he realised who it was, "hey Soobs~ wanna walk to school together?" and once again, butterflies erupted in Soobin's stomach. "I-I mean.. do I have a choice?"
"Nah, you don't." Yeonjun playfully said, Soobin smiled. The brunette noticed that the older was texting someone, Soobin furrowed his eyebrows and looked somewhere else.
I wonder who it is..
The younger heard the older laugh and looked at his direction, "why you laughing?" soobin tried to put on a smile. "huh?.. oh! I'm texting my partner for science, he just sent me a photo." Yeonjun said, wiping a tear from his eye.
"oh.. okay." The brunette would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous and slightly upset they weren't talking with each other, after all, he liked spending time with the older. Soobin finally opened the book that was clipped under his armpit, and distracted himself from the laughing male beside him
"Hey hey! hyun- why do you look so down?" Kai lifted the taller male's chin and looked at him, "it's nothing."
"Hyung, you can tell me anything~" the black haired male smiled at the male, Soobin felt a tiny bit happier.
"It's really not that big of a deal.. heck, I shouldn't even be upset about it. it's just that-" Soobin mumbled the last few words, Kai not being able to hear.
"Hyung, can you repeat that?" Kai leaning in closer to Soobin, desperate to hear what he said.
"Yeonjun was texting someone else while walking with me.." Kai widened his eyes, his jaw dropping. "HYUNG- ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU LIKE-" Soobin covered the loud male's mouth and looked at his eyes darkly.
"You loud motherfuck- finish that sentence, we'll see what happens." Kai gulped and settled down, "Hey guys." the red haired male approached them which made their head turn.
"Taehyun hyung.. Soobin hyung might actually like Choi Yeonjun-" Kai whispered in his ear which Soobin couldn't hear. "HE LIKES WHO?! CHOI-" the youngest of the three covered Taehyun' mouth and worriedly smiled at soobin. "Hyung.. out of all people, Choi Yeonjun?", the bunny lowered down his head and frowned.
"Is it bad to like him?"
"Hyung.. if it makes you happy though, it's fine." Kai eyed Taehyun, who was looking somewhere other than Soobin. "Anyways.. I'll just get going to class, see you guys later." the brunette left the two to further investigate on Soobin's crush.
The tall male walked through the hallway, halfway to his class, when he saw-
-Yeonjun walked with a male he has never seen before, they were laughing and smiling. The fox turned his head to Soobin's direction and made eye contact for a brief second, the brunette whipped his head the other way and walked. fast.
Did he just see me look at them? Why did I even look that way?
Soobin quickly came back to reality and sat down in front of the teacher's desk, deciding on whether he should avoid all contact with the older male. He just wanted to ignore the older because of one awkward eye contact, I mean you can't blame him.
The whole day, soobin has been seeing yeonjun with the slightly taller male and midnight blue hair.
But all chases come to an end, "Hey Soobs! Come here and meet my friend." Yeonjun motioned for him to come, and so he followed. The brunette awkwardly walked towards the two.
"Soobin meet Lee, Lee meet Soobin" Yeonjun introduced us to each other, Soobin wanting to shake hands with Lee. The blue haired male confidently shook his hand and lifted his brow, "so.. you're Soobin?", Soobin hesitantly looked up and nodded.
"hah.. yes I am.." the brunette smiled timidly but dropped when he saw the blue haired male slightly hugging the blonde haired male. "You weren't lying, Yeonjun. He is cute!" Lee looked into Soobin's eyes but it wasn't adoration.
It looked very much like hatred.
are you guys liking the story or is it getting confusing?

𝐛𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 | 𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐛𝐢𝐧
Fanfictionchoi soobin, a book lover was almost never seen without his nose in a book. Choi yeonjun, who found the other fasinating, decided to flirt with him. "So last night, I was reading The Book of Numbers but I realised, I didn't have yours." "Let me read...