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third person pov. 

a few weeks passed by and the new student, Yeona kept clinging onto Yeonjun. They were practically inseparable, but that's because of the female, of course.

"Yeonjun~ what do you want to do today?" she hugged his arm tightly, giving him puppy eyes. Yeonjun scrunched his face slightly but gave her a half hearted smile. "What would you like to do today?"

"hmm.." she placed her finger on her chin, "do you want to go to the book café after school?"

The book cafe..

He smiled to himself and nodded in response, not paying attention to the brunette at all. I wonder if he'll be there too..

Yeonjun was in his own world and didn't realize a male running straight towards him, resulting into a collision. The yellow haired male looked down to see Soobin, holding his back and groaning in pain.

Yeonjun shook off Yeona's arms and hurriedly went to help Soobin up, "shit.. sorry Binnie, are you alright?" Yeonjun held Soobin's right arm to help him up.

Yeonjun was dusting off Soobin, He patting his butt afterwards and smiled innocently at the younger, "you're looking cuter than usual." The older winked.

Soobin's gaze fell on the female behind Yeonjun, then he realised why he wasn't talking to Yeonjun. "Uh, thanks. You should really go back to Yeona." Yeonjun looked back, he didn't really care to be honest. 

"Yeona, me and Soobin have to go attend some things." Yeonjun gave her a smile, Yeona smiled back but wasn't happy.

Yeonjun took Soobin by the waist and walked off, "so.. are you going to the book cafe today?"

"I- uh, maybe. I have loads of things to do after school though."

"Great! I'll pick you up.. say.. at 4PM?" Yeonjun quirked a brow.

"ah- yeah, I'm not sure." soobin said it quite calmly, he half heartedly turn down the older. "We'll be there just for an hour, I promise. I'll drive you back home too." Soobin was heavily contemplating but decided he really needed to take a break.

"Alright then."

third person pov. (soobin focused)

Soobin sat down next to the brunette, Changmin, who was staring at his desk. The brunette waved his hand in front of the male, causing him to flinch, almost falling from his chair. Soobin bursted out laughing, "what the fuck, Soobin?" The brunette pouted, earning a giggle from the other.

"Ah.. sorry you look like you were being controlled by your desk", wiping a tear from his eye. "whatever.." Changmin scoffed, "anyways.. wake me up when the teacher gets here, I didn't sleep much last night." he yawned and folded his arms to support his head on the desk.

soobin chuckled, ah he's so cute. The brunette took out his book to keep him busy while they wait for the teacher, as usual.

what do you think of changmin? 

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