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A/N2: (9/4/20)I am so sorry about not uploading this sooner. My motivation to do write or draw digitally is just so low.

A/N you had one job, post this in pride month. Did you do it! No-

Grass boi created a group chat and named it PRIDE MONTH IS HERE BITCHES

Grass boi added Dicksucker Jr, Rocky, Woody, Block dad, Balloony and 62 users into chat

All online

Bisket mom: grassy what is this

Grass boi: it's pride month!

Dicksucker jr: duh

Dicksucker jr: can you not fucking read

Book: she was just asking a question no need to be an ass about it

Life's a sham: I

Life's a sham: smell

Book: dont

Life's a sham: milf trash

Trans bolt: you're really trying to make that iconic huh

Life's a sham: yes

Gay1: from what I've seen on online

Gay1: that being porn sites

Gay1: it's basically when you wanna fuck an attractive women with children

Gay1: or just someone who looks like a mom

Balloony: why are you people like this

Liy: cuz gay n horn bone

Balloony: full sentences please

Nickel: okay I'll translate

Nickel: " because were gay and horny with boners"

Rocky: even the lesbians?

Nickel: even the lesbians.

Cloudy: lesbians have dicks now

Cloudy: okay I'm perfectly fine with I just need to create my ads first

Lollipop: is that supposed to be some kinda of joke

Gay ball: you dont get it either right

Lollipop: no I do

Lollipop: it was just stupid

Cloudy: I feel hurt

Lollipop: too bad

Grass boi: anyways the real reason why I made this was because of...


Dicksucker: [insert drum roll sounds]

Grass boi: SHIPPING!

Gay2: oop me and gaty are out

Gay1: bye fuck tards

Gay1 and Gay2 are offline

Biscuit: I dont think I have to explain myself

Sir voresalot: pie please come back home

Biscuit is offline


Gay1, Gay2 and Biscuit are back online

Grass boi: I made this so that we could all kinda bond y know

4: then why the fuck am I here dip shit

2: yeah why are we here

4: e w

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