Part 13

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It’s four in the morning and Harry woke me up by kissing me all over my face. To my forehead to cheeks, then my chin to my nose and my lips, his kisses are sweet and it just brings me delight and so much love. But I’m still sleepy.

“Oh why Harry? It’s still early,” I mumbled still with my eyes closed. Then he pecked my lips and said, “Sorry to wake you up at this early baby, but you need to get up,” He pulled me to sit.

“Oh why?” I tried to open my eyes but I can’t. But when I saw him standing naked, my eyes widened. “You’re so sexy,” I muttered.

“What did you say baby?” He asked while he puts on his brief.

“Oh nothing I am still sleepy,” I said as I yawn.

“You’re sexy too,” he grinned as he gazed at my breasts which are showing off.

“Oh gosh, don’t look at me,” I panicked and pulled up the blanket and covered my breasts.

“You’re so cute Jennifer. Don’t be shy, I’ve seen, touched and tasted those.”

“I don’t know, but still it feels awkward. We just have known each other for three days. I was just so horny when our thing happened.”

Then he walked forward and seated on the bed and cupped my cheeks. “Get used to this baby. There’s more to come. Anyway, would you like me to wear to you your lingerie?” He devilishly smirked giggling.

“No, because I don’t want to go out.”

“Please Jen, I am begging you. Let’s enjoy Santorini before we go back home. We only have three hours left here.”

“Ok, ok. Where’s my underwear?”

“Yes!” he joyfully shouted then he excitedly searched for my undergarments and gave those to me.

I wore the lingerie and he wrapped to me a long white chiffon robe dress. He held my hand and pulled me out of the room. We ran happily as he guides me to our destination.


We just explored the streets of Santorini and after short walks and runs we’re finally here in front of the church over viewing the beach and the white with blue accent houses. I couldn’t believe that she loves me now and it makes me feel that I am the luckiest man in the world.

“The view’s beautiful Jenn like you.”

She deeply breathed in and breathed out nodding yes. We gazed the view which was really magnificent, seeing the sun rises, it was so magical. Suddenly she talked, “Thank you Harry for all of this. I just…” tears cascaded on her cheeks.

Oh Jennifer, don’t cry, it makes me weak.

Then she continued, “I’ve been alone all this time and I don’t know how it is to have someone care and love me as much as you do. I never believe in love but when you showed me what love is, I’ve figured out, well, maybe I am not destined to be alone..."

"Oh my love, don't cry," I said.

"Oh, I am sorry to cry but I am just overwhelmed of this happiness that you’re bringing into my life. Thank you Harry.”

I love to hear those words from her. It makes me fall in love deeper. But I hate to see her cry so I wiped out her tears and told her, “Of course baby, you’re not going to be alone because I am yours.”

She chuckled and asked as she sniffs, “Is that a proposal baby?”

“Unfortunately, not yet because I don’t have the ring to wear on you now. When I propose, I want to make it more special than this. I just brought you here in front of the church because I know GOD will play a vital role in our relationship. We need guidance as we’re just starting off.”

“Oh I love you more Harry. You didn’t forget HIM.”

“Never, HE’s been so good to me all my life. Although there were hard moments, HE shown me that there’s a reason for me to smile everyday especially now that I have you.”

“Oh Harry, just kiss me now,” she said and pouted her lips.

“I love you so much,” I said sincerely and kissed her passionately.

I hope that this happiness that I am feeling will not end but I don’t know, I am a little bit scared and nervous. Maybe this is brought by the panic after realizing that we need to come back home for work and face my angry Uncle Benny. He’ll surely not love my relationship with her but I don’t care, I’ll just face him bravely.

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