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[Voltron group chat]

Pidgeon: guys look at what I just took


Keith's: help

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Keith's: help

Honks: you ok there buddy?

Keith's: no I just choked

Pidgeon: O_o

Keith's: I still like this one better


Keith's: he looks hot

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Keith's: he looks hot

Keith's deleted a message

Pidgeon: I saw it... ;)))

Honks: what?

Keith's: ...

Keef: I-

Pidgeon: Keith is like ultra blushing and almost like... choking? He looks giddy.

Pidgeon: holy shit.

[Private chat between Pidgeon and Keith's]

Pidgeon: Lance

Keith's: Pidge

Pidgeon: he saw the message

Keith's: ._.

[Private chat between Keef and Keith's]

Keef: I think you're hot too

Keef blocked you

[Voltron group chat]

Keith's: uuuuuuh

Pidgeon: ooop

Honks: ?

Hero: wut?

Pidgeon created a group chat

Pidgeon: This is a chat without lance or Keith

Hero: why?

Honks: ??

Pidgeon: the ships are sailing guys.

Honks: what?

Pidgeon: so Lance sent the picture of Keith saying 'I like this one better' right?

Hero: right

Pidgeon: then he sent 'he looks hot' but he deleted. The only people to see it was me......... and Keith.

Honks: O_o

Pidgeon: then, Keith texted Lance saying 'I think you look hot too'


Pidgeon: then he blocked him so he couldn't respond or ask questions

Honks: dang

"Unblock him" Pidge told Keith. He was laying on his bed with his phone on his chest.

"No. What is he gonna say?" He was so worried.

"Maybe he likes you! He said you looked hot"

"Yeah but-" Pidge cut him off

"I'm asking him to come over" Keith's eyes opened wide and he sat up.

"No" he looked absolutely terrified.

"Yes, you two need to talk" she texted Lance.

[Private chat between Pidgeon and Keith's]

Pidgeon: hey Lance, wanna come over?

Keith's: isn't Keith at your place?

Pidgeon: yes

Keith's: I won't come. He clearly doesn't wanna talk to me, he blocked me!

Pidgeon: you didn't see the message?

Keith's: what message?!?!!??

Pidgeon: ok.

"He didn't see the message" Pidge said

"What?" Keith looked surprised.

"He didn't see the message" she repeated. He smiled and unblocked him.

[Private chat between Keef and Keith's]

Keef: hey

Keith's: what?

Keef: I'm sorry I blocked you. I sent a message I didn't want you to see

Keith's: whatever

Keef: come on, I just didn't want you to see the text

Keith's: leave me alone

Keith's changed their username for Lance

"He- he changed his username" Keith said. He was broken into pieces.

"What?" Pidge asked

"He said leave me alone and then he changed his username for Lance" tears were forming in his eyes.

He really blew it didn't he.

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