[Voltron group chat]
Keithyboi: i Wanna dye my hair. Which colour should I pick?
Lancey: white
Keithyboi: why white?
Lancey: it'd look good
Pidgeon: true it would
Honks: yes, wHite!!
Keithyboi: ok... I guess I'll try
Spacedad: why's you wanna dye your hair anyways?
Keithyboi: I just want a change
Spacedad: nothing more?
Keithyboi: no?
Spacedad: sureeeee
Spacemom: it is weird that you'd suddenly want to dye your hair
Keithyboi: no it's not
Pidgeon: he's still a teenager, let him do what he wants. He needs to express himself
Keithyboi: I'm 21
Pidgeon: well you act like a teenager
Keithyboi: you're not even a teenager
Lancey: ya what are you? 12?
Pidgeon: holy baby Jesus in a record player I will break your neck
Spacedad: that's violent and why is he on a record player?
Pidgeon: idk you ask him
Spacedad: oh yes because I absolutely have contact with baby Jesus
Lancey: yeh you do, ur from space
Spacedad: I'm not!!
Keithyboi: he's also into furries
Lancey: wut?
Keithyboi: he follows furries on Instagram
Lancey: gasppp
Pidgeon: lol
Honks: leave him be
Lancey: ok
Honks: :))
Pidgeon: you need a change of username hunk
Lancey: you do too
Lancey changed Pidgeon's username to Pidgey
Honks: aww that's a cute nickname
MattyB: she hates it
Lancey: why?
MattyB: cause
Lancey: good reason, fine I'll change it
Lancey: WaiT, we match. I can't change it
Pidgey: wait... NO
Lancey changed Keithyboi's username to Keithy
Lancey changed Honks's username to Hunkey
Lancey changed Spacemom's username to Allurey
Lancey changed MattyB's username to Mattey
Spacedad: why not me??
Lancey: cuz it's iconic we can't change it
Pidgey: Lance is right
Hunkey: *plays Spacedad jingle*
Spacedad: what's the Spacedad jingle?
Hunkey: something Pidge and me did
Lancey: keithh
Spacedad: what're you doing
Lancey: he kinda just ghosted us
Pidgey: weird
Lancey: he won't answer my messages. Shiro could you check up on him?
Spacedad: sure
Spacedad: he won't answer me neither
Lancey: I'm getting worried
Pidgey: I'll call him
Ringgg ringg
"Pidge?" Keith said from the other side of the phone, his voice was calm but sounded worried.
"Keith are you ok? We texted you but you didn't tex back" Pidge said, Keith sighed.
"Yeah, I was busy"
"What were you doing?" She asks suspicious.
"Cleaning." He stated, Pidge sighed and looked down.
"K. Bye" she said before hanging up.
[Voltron group chat]
Pidgey: he said he was busy, I decided not to push
Spacedad: ok at least he's ok
Lancey; yeah

Voltron group chat
FanfictionI try to make it funny? it's just to laugh and it's also Klance so. It's angsty, I love making Keith suffer