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[Voltron group chat]

Keef: guys, I'm gonna add my boyfriend in the chat

Spacedad: wait

Spacedad: whAt?

Keef: Lotor

Spacemom: Ugh

Pidgeon: so it's official?

Keef: yes

Pidgeon: and you guys are exclusive?

Keef: yes, Pidge

Honks: is he nice?

Keef: sure

Pidgeon: idk about him..

Keef: just shut up, wether you like it or not, he's my boyfriend

Keef added Mr.Galra to the chat

Mr.Glara: greetings

Lance: lol he's funny

Mr.Galra: No, this is how I talk

Lance: ah

Pidgeon: ah

Spacedad: ah

Honks: ah

MattyB: ah

Spacemom: ah

Keef: gUys

Pidgeon: right

Mr.Galra: what's going on?

Keef: nothing babe

[Private chat between Mr.Galra and Keef]

Mr.Galra: did you say anything to them?

Keef: No, they're just weird

Mr.Galra: alright then, I love you

Keef: love you too <3

Mr.Galra: I'll come visit you later and we can cuddle and watch a movie

Keef: ok :))

Voltron group chatWhere stories live. Discover now