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Lancey: hey guys

Pidgeon: what's up

Honks: you're not as cheerful as usual

Lancey: I miss Keith, has anyone talked to him lately?

Pidgeon: last time we talked was 2 weeks ago

Spacedad: he's really isolating himself... even me

Pidgeon: that ain't normal

Lancey: I'll try and text him

[Private chat between Lancey and Keith]

Lancey: heyo

Keith: hi

Lancey: what's up?

Keith: why are you texting me?

Lancey: I miss my best friend :(

Keith: you can't talk to me Lance

Lancey: why??

Keith: I don't wanna be you guys' friend anymore

Lancey: is Lotor manipulating you? We warned you!!

Keith: stop it with that! He's not manipulating me

Keith: We're very happy, you're just jealous

Lancey: you haven't been yourself lately...

Keith: I'm better now

Lancey: what? What do you mean?

Keith: i stopped taking my medication and I'm better now

Lancey: Keith you can't do that!!!!!! You need those pills

Keith: no I don't, I'm happier now

Lancey: Keith stop it, stop pushing everyone away, you're clearly not fine

Keith: I'm not pushing anyone away

Lancey: yes you are, I miss you Keith. I miss my best friend, everyone does

Keith: that's no true, not one of them like me

Lancey: that's not true, we all love you. So, so much

Keith: just stop

Lancey: no, we need you Keith

Lancey: I need you

Keith: stop it

Lancey: stop isolating yourself, Pidge has been so sad since you stopped talking to her

Keith: please, just stop

Lancey: I'll never stop Keith, you're my friend and I'll never give up on you

Keith: just stop talking to me

Lancey: Never

Keith: Please, Just let me go

Lancey: no, no I won't

Keith: stop talking to me

Lancey: Keith, you need help, you need your pills. You need your friends

Keith: no I don't, I'm better now

Lancey: stop saying that...

Keith: it's true, I'm better now, I'm happier

Lancey: no you're not, you're not ok

Keith: I am

Lancey: I miss you so much, Keith. I love you a lot and I care about you

Keith: stop it

Lancey: please just talk to me

Keith: I can't. I'm leaving

Keith: Bye, Lance

Lancey: no, don't go!

Lancey: Keith?

Lancey: Keith

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