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[Private chat between Nyma's and Keef]

Nyma's: hey

Keef: hi

Nyma's: wanna hang out?

Keef: can't, sorry

Nyma's: oh ok :(

[Private chat between Nyma's and Pidgeon]

Nyma's: I think Keith's ignoring me

Pidgeon: I would too

Nyma's: I didn't do anything wrong!

Pidgeon: well your girlfriend told him to go kill himself and you didn't say anything

Nyma's: should I apologize?

Pidgeon: gee I wonder

[Private chat between Nyma's and Keef]

Nyma's: Keef

Keef: what

Nyma's: I'm sorry

Keef: for what?

Nyma's: not defending you. I should've, what she said was really mean and I should've said something

Keef:yeah, you should've. But guess what? It's too late

Nyma's: ?

Keef: it's too late to say anything.

Nyma's: I swear to god if you're cutting again I'll kill you and then myself

Keef: I'm not

Nyma's: I'm coming over

Keef: please don't

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