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Pidgey: folkssss

Gay: clap?

Lancey: now that's humour

Hunkey: what's up?

Pidgey: I have tEa

Mattey: gasppppp tEa


Lancey: wtf

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Lancey: wtf

Spacedad: that is gay

Gay: no he was tickling me

Hunkey: that's pretty intimate...

Keithy: Shut up


"Dude" Lance started, he looked down at Keith. They were on the couch  and Keith had his head rested on Lance's lap.

Keith looked up, Lance found himself staring for a few seconds before Keith snapped his fingers in front his face.

"Hellooo" Keith said, Lance snapped out of it and shook his head.

"Sorry, I was about to say that- um, actually, it's not important" Lance shook it off and Keith shrugged, he looked back at his phone and continued scrolling through Instagram.

Lance kept his eyes on Keith as he played with a few strands of His hair.

Keith's eyes felt heavier and heavier, he closed his eyes while Lance kept staring. His face was so beautiful, his eyelashes were so long they almost touched his eyebrows, his lips were a soft pink, they tasted sweet too, Like strawberry. His cheeks were always so soft and pale, sometimes when Lance laughed or smiled, his cheeks would become rosier.

Lance pushed the hair out of Keith's forehead and sweetly kissed it, Keith's eyes slowly fluttered open and he turned on his back to look at Lance.

"Did you kiss my forehead?" He asked, confused. Lance looked away and a blush grew on his cheeks.

"Yeah, Sorry..." he said quietly, Keith softly smiled and sat up. Lance looked at him confused. Keith turned to sit facing Lance. He got closer and caressed Lance's cheek. He leaned in and kissed his soft, tan left cheek. Lance looked at him in the eyes and smiled.

"What was that?" He chuckled.

"I- Uh- shit, sorry. I don't know, sorry" he looked down nervously and Lance softly took Keith's cheeks in his hands. He pulled him in and softly kissed his lips. They pulled away after not even 3 seconds, Lance rested his forehead on Keith's and smiled lightly. Keith sighed and quietly chuckled.

"I should've done that way sooner" he whispered, Lance smiled and kissed Keith's cheek softly. Keith smiled and layed onto Lance's chest, he rested his head on Lance shoulder and played with the hem of his shirt.

"I really like you, Keith" he spoke, Keith smiled again and nodded.

"Me too, I just want you to know that I don't want any- and I mean any sex- or anything like that" he stated, Lance chuckled and nodded. He played with Keith's hair and felt the soft feeling between his fingers.

"Of course"

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