Pidgeon: does anyone know where the liquorice go?
Lancey: the real question is, where did Keith go?
Keithyboi: I have the liquorice as a hostage, you will nevEr find me
Spacedad: he's back in the closet
Honks: seriously? Again?
Pidgeon: keithhhhhh come out of the closet we want liquorice
Lancey: I don't care for liquorice, I want Keith
Lancey: in a non-sexual way
Keithyboi: fine, I'll come out
Keithyboi: guys, I'm gay
Keithyboi: there, I said it
Pidgeon: alright that's it I'm coming to get my liquorice
Lancey: he's in danger
Pisgeon: yes he is
Keithyboi: shifkrt
Keithyboi: jhelkp
Lancey: Shiro, go save him
Spacedad: why me?
Lancey: cuz ur spacedad?
Spacedad: you save him, I'm not leaving the couch
Lancey: finereeeeeeee
Honks: you didn't wanna go because you were scared?
Spacedad: yes
Honks: I know, right? Pidge is so scary!
Pidgeon: I can read
Honks: weren't you attacking Keith?
Pidgeon: oh no I'm done
Spacedad: ...what happened to Lance?
Pidgeon: he's ded
Honks: WHAT
Spacedad: you know that's illegal right?
Pidgeon: well he's not liTeraLly dead
Honks: ...then where is he?
Pidgeon: ...
Spacedad: Pidge
Pidgeon: ...locked in the closet with Keith
Honks: oh god
Lancey: it's really tight in here
Spacedad: hold on I'm coming to open the door

Voltron group chat
FanfictionI try to make it funny? it's just to laugh and it's also Klance so. It's angsty, I love making Keith suffer