[Voltron group chat]
Keef: guys, I have a super cute picture I took yesterday
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Pidgeon: how'd you take a picture of your cellphone?
Keef: I.. have 2 hands?
Pidgeon: where's Lance?
Keef: still asleep
Pidgeon: is he at your place?
Keef: yes?
Pidgeon: oblivious bitch
Hero: language
Pidgeon: my apologies, thou clouted dizzy-eyed flirt-gill
Hero: pardon?
Pidgeon: Shakespeare insults, thou frothy common-kissing apple-John
Keith's: now ThAt is humour
Keef: since when are you awake?
Keith's: like, an hour?
Keef: how did I not notice that? And why didn't you get up?
Keith's: First, I'm very good at fake sleeping, second, I still wanted to cuddle
Keef: gosh
Pidgeon: you....... were cuddling?
Keef: no
Keith's: yes
Honks: O_o
Keef: yes
Keef changed their username to Keithy boy
Keithy boy: I stole Keith's phone
Keithy boy changed their username to Keef
Keef: Lance, I hate you
Keiths: :((((
Keef: ok, I don't. But theoretically...
Keith's: aw I love you too
Pidgeon: O_o

Voltron group chat
FanfictionI try to make it funny? it's just to laugh and it's also Klance so. It's angsty, I love making Keith suffer