T/w: self harm
Keith was full on crying. Pidge was trying to comfort him. It didn't really work. He was curled into a ball in his bed. Shiro walked in to tell them he was going out but noticed Keith was crying.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Lance told him to leave him alone" Pidge said. Keith was sobbing. He drove him away, like everybody else.
You should die. You don't deserve friends. You don't deserve Lance.
Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die.They're back. The thoughts won't come out his head. He keeps thinking it over and over again.
"Leave!" He yelled at at Pidge and Shiro.
"Keith, you're not ok let's-"
"Leave. Please" he said.
They both got up and left. Keith was left there in puddles of tears. Everyone would leave him. Just like Lance.
[Private chat between Pidgeon and Lance]
Pidgeon: text Keith
Lance: why?
Pidgeon: he's literally sobbing because of what you said
Read 6:56[Private chat between Lance and Keef]
Lance: Keith
Lance: Keith?
Lance: are you alright?
Lance: I'm sorry
Lance: don't leave me alone, Keith. Please talk to me. Please text me.
Lance: Keith, I know you're not alright but whatever you do, don't hurt yourself
Too late
Lance: Keith.
Lance: I'm coming over
Lance practically ran to Keith's house. It was cold outside but he didn't have his jacket. He got to his house and got in without knocking.
He ran to Keith's room but, it was empty. He went to the bathroom and Keith was sitting in the empty bath, crying with a bunch of blood around him.
Lance went over to him and hugged him tightly. He took the boy's arm and examined it. He took Keith out of the bath and waited for him to calm down. He held Keith the whole time.
Once he was calm again, Lance washed the cuts and put a bandage around his arm.
He hugged him again and went close to Keith's ear."Promise you won't do that again" he whispered. Keith nodded and hid his face inside of Lance's neck.

Voltron group chat
FanficI try to make it funny? it's just to laugh and it's also Klance so. It's angsty, I love making Keith suffer