"I swear, Shiro! He's nice to me"
"How do you know he's a good person? He could become abusive, I don't have a good feeling about him" Shiro announced, Keith looked at him with eyes full with anger.
"Why can't you understand? He's a nice guy!" Keith shouted, Shiro furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at his feet.
"I just don't wanna see you hurt"
"I'm fine!" Keith barked before storming off to his room, the floor was cold and his fingers were like ice cubes, he grabbed his hoodie and jumped on his bed. He pulled the covers on top of his head and got out his phone.
[Private chat between Keef and Lance]
Keef: hey Lance
Lance: I thought you said you didn't want me to talk to you?
Keef: I just need someone to talk with and you're the only person that's worth it
Lance: what about your boyfriend?
Keef: it's not the same
Lance: ok, what do you wanna talk about?
Keef: i don't know, ft?
Lance: sure! :D
Keef: alright
Keith called Lance and he quickly got an answer, Lance immediately clicked the Accept button. He had a wide smile on his face, it faded when he noticed he couldn't see Keith since he was under the covers.
"Hey Keith!" Lance said cheerfully.
"Hi Lance" Keith smiled and Lance blushed lightly, his eyes were bright and his lips curled into a soft smile.
"Whatcha doin'?" He questioned Keith, the other boy lifted this head and got out form under his blankets.
"Nothing- is that my shirt?" Keith looked closely to the screen and chuckled to himself, Lance looked down and blushed. He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously.
"Y-yeah, sorry. I can give it back" Lance said, he looked back up at the screen and smiled awkwardly.
"No it's ok, I wasn't wearing it anymore anyways" Keith smiled sweetly, they continued with their call as usual until Keith got a text.
"Uh, shit. I gotta go, talk to you later?" Keith said, he smiled at Lance and the other responded with simple nod before hanging up.Mr.Galra: I'm coming over
Ooooh cliffhangerrrrI'll write the next part either later or tomorrow, but either way, it'll come fast

Voltron group chat
FanfictionI try to make it funny? it's just to laugh and it's also Klance so. It's angsty, I love making Keith suffer