[Private chat between Keith and Pidgeon]
Keith: 🤖
Pidgeon: oh mugosh, Keith????? Do I need to call the police?
Keith: ywd
Pidgeon: I'll take it as a yes, just hold on!!
[Voltron group chat]
Pidgeon: guys!!! Call 911, Keith sent me the robot and asked me to call the police, I don't have any minutes left I can't call them
Lancey: I'll call them!
Spacedad: I'll try to text him so he can tell me what's going on
"911, what's your emergency?" A woman on the other side of the phone said, Lance was breathing faster then normal, he was anxious.
"Hi, my friend is in an abusive relationship and we think- we know he's in danger"
"Alright, do you know the current situation?" The woman asked.
"Not exactly but we know there's something wrong and I think it's really bad"
"Alright, but I need to know how exactly he's in danger" the woman stated, Lance sighed before getting a text message.
"I- Uh my friend texted him and he says his boyfriend has a knife and he's trying to get to him" Lance said, the woman nodded and noted what he had just told her.
"Alright, do you have an address?" She asked, Lance sighed in relief and smiled at the words.
"Um yes, 2234 Empire street" Lance said, the woman noted the information and kept talking to Lance.
"Ok, we'll send officers as soon as possible"
"An ambulance too, he's hurt!" Lance said, the woman nodded.
"Aright, will do. Do you have any more information on their relationship?" She asked.
"Well we know he beats him for sure and he manipulated him but we think he might have raped him as well" Lance announced, the woman kept writing everything he told him.
After a few minutes, he hung up and sat on his couch. He watched the news to try and keep his stress down, he had nothing else to do.
Eventually, the man in the news announced a live event, an abusive boyfriend getting arrested for assault. There was footage of Lotor walking out of his house, handcuffed and Keith getting escorted out.
Lance called Pidge, she told him to meet them at the police station, he quickly got up and put on his shoes. He got to the station and saw Keith sitting at a desk, answering questions the police officer asked him.
Lance walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder, Keith flinched and looked behind him.
"Keith-" Lance breathed out, Keith's eyes were filled with tears and he got up to hug Lance.
"I'm so sorry" he whispered, Lance rubbed his back as Keith cried in his shoulder.
"It's ok, it's gonna be ok"

Voltron group chat
FanfictionI try to make it funny? it's just to laugh and it's also Klance so. It's angsty, I love making Keith suffer