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[Voltron group chat]

Lancey: hey so I have orange juice

Keithy: ok..?

Romelle: I have apple juice??

Lancey: I love you Romelle

Romelle: love you too<3

Pidgey: wut?

Spacedad: why are you so close?

Romelle: we aren't

Allurey: then why do say I love you to each other?

Lancey: why're you asking me?

Allurey: you are so annoying

Keithy: he is

Lancey: I thought you guys loved me :,(

Pidgey: dramatic much?

Hunkey: we do

Lancey: shut up and hunk i love you too

Spacedad: you guys are acting like children

Pidgey: that's because we are

Keithy: Only you are

Hunkey: that's kinda true

Pidgey: I'M 17

Spacedad: yeh ur a kid

Romelle: I'm just 19

Keithy: really?

Hunkey: I'm 20!!

Lancey: oh so were doing this? Ok I'm 20

Spacedad: I'm 27!

Keithy: old

Pidgey: lol

Allurey: I'm 20 too!

Mattey: hey ma dudes watta miss?

Keithy: Romelle

Mattey: who's that

Romelle: me

Mattey: ok what're we doing?

Lancey: saying how old we are

Mattey: oh I'm 24

Lancey: lol that's old

Hunkey: be nice please

Lancey: sorry :,(

Hunkey: noooooooo don't crY!!!! :,,,,,,,,,,,(

Lancey: nooooooooo now yOu'rE crying :,,,,,,(

Pidgey: oh god

Spacedad: now they're sad

Hunkey: because Lance is Sad :,,,,,,,,(

Lancey: but I'm sad cause yoUre sad :,,,,,,,,,,(

Spacedad: just stop being sad

Lancey: it's noT tHat sImPLe shIrO

Spacedad: ok I'm just gonna leave then

Pidgey: k

Spacedad: did you just k me?

Pidgey: yes, yes I did

Spacedad: sigh, I can't do anything cuz ur like 12

Pidgey: I'm 17!!!!!!!!!!

Spacedad: still a kid

Lancey: still in school lol

Keithy: ha ur such a loser

Hunkey: don't be mean

Romelle: yeh don't

Allurey: lol they're the same

Lancey: lol they are

Spacedad: k I'm leaving I'm seeing a friend

Keithy: were your only friends

Lancey: so it's more then a friend

Spacedad: no

Lancey: yes

Spacedad: no

Keithy: yes

Spacedad: yes

Keithy: who're you fucking?

Spacedad: 1st, language

Spacedad: 2nd, none of your business

Keithy: I just wanna know who topped you!

Spacedad: I'm not a bottom! >:(

Allurey: lol yes you are

Spacedad: I'm a top!

Pidgey: no ur not

Keithy: so? who put his dick in ur asshole?

Spacedad: Language!!!!!

Keithy: English

Spacedad: I won't tell you.

Lancey: who is it??

Spacedad: His name isssss

Keithy: yessssssss?

Spacedad left the group chat

Keithy: asshole

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