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Pidgeon: holy god the skirt looks A M A Z I N G
on him

Keef: yes



Keef: *cough* nosebleed *cough*

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Keef: *cough* nosebleed *cough*

Pidgeon: ok so I brought an outfit for Keith too and Lance is staring way too much

Hero: I can confirm

MattyB: I need to see this

Pidgeon: Keith won't let me take a picture :(((

Keith's: helpsndkeo

MattyB: *sing song* so this is love

Keef: I have knives

Hero: be careful, he's got one under his pillow

Keith's: why didn't I know that? I've slept on his pillow multiple times

Pidgeon: no, you slept on him

Keith's: I- true

Hero: IsawKeithtakingsecretpicturesofLance. *cough* what

Pidgeon: you what

Keith's: gosh Keef just ask for pictures of me, I'll send them

Keef: I'll go on and die now

Pidgeon: oh god, Keith got us popsicles and Lance licked his and Keith looked at him, super serious and bit his popsicle super violently

Keith's: I did nothing wrong

Keef: me neither. I just ate the popsicle

Hero: in a very threatening way

Keef: how am I threatening Lance?

Pidgeon: we all know he couldn't bite Lance's popsicle even if he wanted to

Pidgeon: alfnroeo to privé me wrong he grabbed Lance's literal popsicle and bit it

Hero: he didn't even get the joke lol

Keef: oh you meant thAt popsicle...

Keef: ew

Pidgeon: we all know you don't mean it

Keef: I do

Keith's: Iwouldntmind

Keith's: what?

Pidgeon: O_o

Keef: i-

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