[Voltron group chat]
Keith's: I'm gonna go for a while
Keef: ? Are you ok?
Pidgeon: wth
Hero: what?
[Private chat between Keef and Keith's]
Keef: Lance?
Keith's: sorry I can't talk right now
Keef: why? What's going on?
Keith's: leave me alone
Keef: wtf is going on Lance??
Keith's: you're a bad influence and I want to break up
Keef: what are you talking about?
Keith's: bye. Don't come to my house please
[Voltron group chat]
Keef: guys.
Pidgeon: yup
Keef: I think lance just broke up with me..
Honks: Huh?
Keef sent a screenshot
Hero: I don't know.
Keef: Im gonna go. See you later guys :))
Pidgeon: wth
Hero: I hear him crying.
Honks: why would Lance break up with him
Pidgeon: and as a text message? That's not Lance

Voltron group chat
FanfictionI try to make it funny? it's just to laugh and it's also Klance so. It's angsty, I love making Keith suffer