Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Yrene's PoV

Michelle and Aelin came running to Katie and I, engulfing us in a bear hug,

"You guys were awesome!"

" Totally nailed it!" 

"This performance calls for a party!", this remark was a courtesy of Joss, our other best friend who was backed up by my brother Ross as usual, who then high fived him and nodded along. 

Shortly, we were joined by Raymond who hugged Katie and I fondly, congratulated us on the "outstanding performance" and took me aside to talk to me in private, clearly he had judged my forced smile and laughter and had come to save the day, ah that's typical Raymond Jones for you.

"Yr you know why they aren't here right?"

"Yeah of course I do, Ray don't worry about it." I put my hand on his Boss suit clad shoulder and pat him, " I'm used to it anyways." I gave him a tight lipped smile and am about to go to meet Barry, with tears threatening to overflow when he stops me yet again.

"Yr, Dad really wanted to come-"

"I'm sure he did." I reply in a stern tone of voice.

"No, really he did," it seems to me that he really is pleading to me on our parents behalf now but I don't care much for it anyways, " he loves you Yr and so does Mom but she had this really important fashion gala thing she absolutely had to attend for a new business deal and you know she had to take Dad along for that."

Love me. Ha! Sure they loved me. I mean they hadn't been doing a great job showing it at least for the past couple of years but I couldn't say that to Raymond, he'd just feel worse.

"Raymond. I said it is okay. It doesn't matter anyways, it was just a stupid school play. At least the three of you made it, that is much more than I could have ever hoped for."

"Don't say it as if we did a favour to you Yrene. You know we love you right and would do anything for you?"

I knew deep inside that when the time comes everyone leaves. No one stays because it gets harder and harder to stay until it just becomes impossible and then suddenly BOOM! Haha! You realise life played a joke on you and everyone leaves, everything crumbles just like when the slightest of pressure is applied to freshly baked bread. Just. Like. That. And then no one comes back to put the pieces together.. Because, at that point, no one can really put the pieces together.

" Sure Ray." I smile warmly at him but he envelopes me in a hug, just like old times and I'm shocked because ever since Ray started going to office he became all business-y just like Dad and we grew distant, although he still remained an overprotective douche who was wary of every single guy I hung out with. 

Once over my initial shock, I hug him back and tightly. Ross is the first to join our hug of which Mishy takes a picture causing the three of us to scowl at her at the same time, in the same way, a thing we adopted from our father; she starts to laugh along with Aelin and Katie who then proceed to join us for the group hug. 

For once since a very long time I felt content, as if maybe I wasn't really falling apart piece by piece.  

As we broke apart I saw Barry wave at me and I went over to him.

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