Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Chase's PoV

"Chase you're freaking me the hell out with that depressed look! Tell what is it!" She demands and I can feel her anxiety kicking in.
"Chase you're actually scaring me now! Tell me what is wrong."
"Okay.... Okay..." I take a few breaths before breaking it to her,
"Nene, it's Jason."
She is up in an instant, eyes wide and expression frantic,
"What about Jason? What happened Chase? Fucking answer me!" She screams at me and for a second she looks like a crazy woman.
"He what?" She screams again.
"He was involved in a car crash, Nene." I tell her point blanc, hanging my head for fear of watching her reaction. I'm waiting for her to yell at me; to scream that I am wrong; accuse me for lying or pulling a lousy prank on her but none of that happens. Instead she falls to the ground; her head in her hands.
"No. No. No. No. Please no. Please. Chase tell me you're lying; that you're joking. Please Chase. Say it!" Now she screams at me and I just solemnly shake my head at her. I take her drooping shoulders and pull her up, into my chest. She punches me lightly and is almost about to faint when I sit her down on the couch and make her drink water; she is crying hysterically to the point where I still fear that she will pass out, especially in her delicate condition.
"Come," I lead her with my hand on her back, "I'll take you to the hospital."
"We can't go to Oxford, Chase." She cries harder than ever.
"He's not in Oxford. He's in town."

Third person PoV

Yrene Jones's face paled at the revelation. Why was Jason in town? He was not supposed to be in town; he had assignments due and he couldn't come. Chase was wrong and Yrene was convinced this was a prank they were pulling on her now. She wiped away her tears hastily; her Jason was fine. He had to be fine. Wiping her face again she let out a disbelieving laughter; Chase was extremely confused by her behaviour; he shook her hysterically laughing body by her bony shoulders,
"Yrene, what are you laughing about?" He questioned, concerned for her.
She answered in short spurts of laughter,
"You're lying! You're pulling a prank on me. I know it. Jason is fine. Bring out the cameras now; you cannot fool me. I mean you already have but I won't fall for it. C'mon Chasey." She said, sure of herself; in denial of what she was face to face with. But Chase wasn't laughing, he wasn't even smiling. Why wasn't he smiling?
"I said cut it out Chase! I don't like it!" She yelled at him still not accepting it but Chase still hadn't budged; he looked at her straight in the eye and she was taken aback by the tears that were lining his honey orbs.
"Why are you crying?" She questioned him, now worrying a little.
"Yrene, this is not a goddamn prank; he is actually in the hospital." No. No. No. That could not be true. She refused to believe it, and why wasn't Chase smiling or laughing along with her. She was mad at him for his foul behaviour now, she punched his arm and he took it silently, now the tears flowing own his face.
"You're lying!" She accused him, "You're fucking lying to me!", she was getting a mad, reckless gleam in her eyes; the disbelief evident, "Say you're lying to me Chase!" She was sobbing now, punching him and backing away from me at the same time; her head in her hands. He hadn't seemed to be pranking her just then, and she knew then, that something was actually wrong. She didn't know how wrong though.
"No. No. No. No." She kept on chanting like a prayer, as if it would make a difference to damage that had already been done. Chase went over to her and hugged her sobbing body to his chest.
"Come," he said; wiping away the tears in his own eyes," let's go to the hospital." She didn't respond and his heart cracked in two by looking at her dismantled state. With a hand on her lower back, he led her out, calling his bother to let him know that they were leaving.
Chase's PoV

I was still having trouble coming to terms with the fact that Jason Dawfield was in the hospital and had minimal or almost zero chances of survival.
"Go faster!" She screamed banging her head on the headrest of her seat; I feared that she might, completely, break under the burden of all that she has been put through, that she is being put through. I hadn't exactly told her the exact details of how critical her fiancé's condition was and even then she was behaving like this; like a deranged person. I hadn't even parked the car when she flew open the door, flinging herself out; she ran through the parking lot and one of her two fair feet slipped out of the flats she had been wearing that day and I could tell that the rough gravel, now crunching under my boots was piercing her foot and she hadn't even made it to the door when her other show slipped off too and she still didn't stop. Every step she took, barefoot, on the rough ground caused a pain to sear through my heart. I tried calling after her, to remind her that her shoes have slipped off but she still doesn't hear me and so I break into a run after her. In a frenzy she bursts through the main doors and I have to run at top speed to keep up with her, my heart jumps to my throat when I look down to the white tiled hospital floor, covered in bloody footprints, my Yrene's bloody footprints as she frantically makes her way to the reception desk,
"Jason Dawfield!" She screams at the receptionist.
"Ma'am I'm going to need you to calm down first." The receptionist tells her in a professional tone and she starts to cry much more hardly than before. I walk up to them, taking up the situation from there.
"Could you please tell me on which floor Jason Dawfield's room is located on." She gives me the room number, number twenty six, on the third floor and no sooner does she say this than Yrene runs off to the elevators but deciding she can't wait any longer she impatiently punches the elevator buttons and runs up the stairs, taking three or four in one stride.
"Yrene, slow down." I call after her but she seems to have lost all sense of hearing in that moment.
Third person PoV

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