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He didn't think he'd fall in love with her.

He didn't think that he'd be completely infatuated with a person like her.

He didn't think anything like this was going to happen.

He was Beck Oliver, the guy that every girl wanted and the guy that every guy wanted to be.

Beck Oliver didn't believe in love.

There was no such thing as love in his eyes. Love wasn't real to him.

He never experienced it, and he wasn't ever going to.

At least, that was what he thought.

But when Jade West came into the picture, he became conflicted.

He wanted nothing to do with the mysterious raven haired beauty, but felt the tiniest bit drawn to what hid behind her risen walls.

He met her in a coffee shop. Her raven black hair that curled below her shoulders looked silky and shiny, her big blue doe eyes narrowed at the cashier when she told him her order.

She was wearing a plain black tank top, with ripped jeans and black combat boots. She had two piercings; one in her nose, the other in her right eyebrow.

Beck disliked piercings, but somehow, he didn't mind them on her.

The shiny metal studs glistened brightly, and they suited her.

Beck studied her movements. How her left foot tapped impatiently on the hard floor, waiting for what he assumed was her coffee. How her black nails also tapped against the counter, the sharp sound rather satisfying to him.

Her lips pursed, which made them look extra pink and plump. Her eyebrow arched, her stud gleaming against the huge window beside her, causing it to look extra shiny.

When a worker handed her the cup of coffee she had been expecting, she snatched it out of his hand, already gulping down the burning hot liquid, making Beck inwardly cringe.

Then the goth turned on her heel, slyly making eye contact with the tanned-skin Canadian.

She stared into his chocolate eyes, tilting her head at him, as if examining him. Then with a quick wink, she left the coffee shop.

Beck raised both of his eyebrows in surprise. The raven haired beauty surely was intriguing, but he didn't think much more of it.

While she was very pretty, looks didn't mean much to him. Of course, he liked girls that were at least attractive, but looks meant nothing if the girl didn't have a good heart.

But then again, he was never in any relationships, so why did it matter?

Sure, he'd had a couple girlfriends and what not, but they weren't serious. None of them ever lasted more than a week.

While that was partially always his fault, he really didn't care.

As he felt before, love wasn't real.

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