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"Oh my gosh, you two are official now?" Cat asked, a grin breaking out across her face.

Jade nodded, her fingers reaching up to play with the necklace around her neck. "We are."

"That's amazing!" Cat squealed, wrapping her arms around her best friend in happiness. "I told you! He totally loves you!"

"Well I don't know about love," Jade chuckled, smiling brightly. "But it's nice to know he feels the same way about me like I feel about him."

"Aww," Cat giggled. "You two are so cute! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks kitty," the goth smiled. "So, how are you and Robbie?"

More giggles fell from the red head's lips. "We're good...really good. We've gotten really close."

"That's great," Jade said, happy for her best friend.

"I know!" Cat squealed in excitement, sitting cross-legged on the bed. "We're going on another date tonight!"

"He must really like you, kitty."

"I hope so!"

Jade laughed softly, checking the time on her phone. "I better get going, I'm hanging out with Beck."

"Kay-kay! Bye Jadey!"

"See ya kitty."


"Beck," Jade said, "remember how you said you don't believe in love?"

Beck nodded, looking down at her. "Yeah. Why?"

The goth sat up, turning to face him better. "Do you think that's ever gonna change?"

He wanted to say no, that that would never change. But he was dating her, so he couldn't say that.

"Well I have you," he murmured, brushing his fingers along her cheek. "So possibly."

A wide grin graced her lips, and she laid down to rest her head on his chest as his arm draped over her waist.

He was so done.

Done with seeing how happy she was.

Done with lying to her.

Done with his feelings being played with like a puppet on a string.

But he had to keep going on with this- just for a little longer.

Then it'll all be over.



"Okay, I'm done," Beck declared, walking into Tori's place without warning.

Andre let out an irritated sigh through his nose. "With?"

"She's my girlfriend now," Beck gritted his teeth. "I deserve the damn money."

"You really don't," Tori mumbled, her eyes fixed on her nails.

"Here," Andre seethed, pulling out the wad of cash and slapping it into his hand. "There. There's your damn money."

"Thanks," Beck replied sarcastically, slipping the cash into his back pocket.

"Now get out of my house," Tori demanded, pointing to the door.

Beck rolled his eyes. "Gladly."

He left the Vega residence in satisfaction, planning on breaking it off with Jade as soon as he got back to her place.


Okay ik this is really short and I'm sowwy, but the next chapters will be full of drama to make up for it :)

Btw, we're getting close to the end...surprise!

And you are all gonna hate me for it!

Comment your thoughts pleaseee.

Until next time!

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