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"So, what's your favorite color?"

"Blue. Yours?"

"Black, obviously."

Beck chuckled. "I never would've guessed."

Beck and Jade were both sitting in the booth in the coffee shop, Beck honestly not minding when she plopped into the booth with him.

"Your favorite movie?"

"The Titanic."

Jade let out an amused snort. "Oh, so you're one of those guys."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"You're one of those lovesick guys, aren't you?" She bit into her banana nut muffin, chewing thoughtfully before adding, "the ones who are romantic and lovey dovey."

Beck scoffed, rolling his eyes at her crazy assumption. "I don't believe in love."

Jade tilted her head at him, her lips pursing. "You don't?"

"Nope. Love is just a fantasy. It isn't real."

"Well then why is The Titanic your favorite movie?" She licked her lips. "That movie is the definition of romance."

Beck placed his hands on the table, lacing his fingers together and slightly leaning forward. "Because it's quite amusing watching it all be a lie."

Jade quirked her studded eyebrow. "A lie?"

"Yup," Beck answered, popping the 'p.' "Pretty stupid how it ends with Rose and Jack dying. I mean, that just proves that love just isn't real."

"That makes no sense whatsoever."

He shrugged. "It does to me."

"Love is real," she said, looking into his chocolate eyes and repeating what Cat had told her. "It just takes some time to find it."

"So you believe in love?"

Jade shrugged. "It's nice to hope that one day the person of your dreams will just walk into your life and sweep you off your feet, you know?"

"Sounds like a Disney princess movie," he chuckled, softly tapping his fingers on the wooden table. "Where the prince just waltzes in and sweeps the girl off her feet, gets married and everyone gets their happy ending."

"If only real life was like that," she sighed.

"Hmm, I guess I could see you as a Disney princess," he cocked his head, examining her. "Snow White, maybe?"

Jade scoffed. "Just because I'm pale and my hair is black doesn't mean I'm Snow White."

"Not just that," he said, his chocolate eyes colliding with her enchanting blue ones. "Blue eyes. Rosy cheeks. Red lips. Almost like an exact replica of Snow White, don't you think?"

Shrugging again, she replied, "maybe. But you look extremely similar to a certain thief."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And who might that be?"

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