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He stared out the window next to him, sunlight reflecting off of it. It was sunny and warm, as it always was in Las Angeles.

He held his coffee in his hand, sipping it once or twice when he felt like it. He loved the coffee there, but he didn't feel like drinking much of it.

It was always his routine to go to the coffee shop down the block next to his house every morning. He liked the scenery, especially with the big windows the shop had, allowing him to stare out and watch flocks of people crowd the sidewalks of LA.

Just as he thought he was going to leave and enjoy the rest of his day, a raven haired beauty walked inside once again.

"Black coffee," she told the worker, her eyes cold. "Two sugars."

Her voice was what caused his thoughts to swirl. It was so sharp, yet smooth. It was definitely a beautiful sound, but the harshness of her tone made him slightly think otherwise.

After about three minutes, a worker handed her a large coffee cup. And once again she snatched it out his hand, and downed some of it.

Beck didn't even realize how long he was staring for until she called him out for it.

"Could you stop staring?" She hissed, narrowing her enchanting eyes at him. "Or at least make it less dang noticeable?"

Beck frowned, replying with, "I wasn't staring."

She let out a soft laugh, walking over and sliding into the booth across from him.

"I also didn't say you could sit here," he said, irritated.

The goth's nostrils flared, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. "Well last time I checked, I didn't ask for your permission."

Beck sighed through his nose. "You know what, I'm just gonna go."

"Fine," she responded, bringing her coffee cup to her lips. "Guess I'll keep this table for myself, then."

"Guess you will." He slid out of the booth and grabbed his coffee, walking out of the shop with a look of annoyance flashing in his usually soft eyes.

As he was walking, he didn't look where he was going, and accidentally bumped into a random person.

"Chiz, I'm so sorry," he apologized, looking up to see who he had bumped into.

A pretty girl with bright red hair giggled at him. "It's okay!"

Beck laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah, sorry again."

The girl grinned brightly. "No worries! What's your name? I'm Cat!"


"Well Beck," she giggled. "I'll see ya around."

"Yeah...where you headed off to?" Beck asked.

"Oh, to the coffee shop," she answered. "I'm supposed to meet my best friend there."

Beck furrowed his brows. He didn't remember many people being at the coffee shop, except for him and that irritable girl.

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