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"I swear, that girl is messing with my head."

Beck sat at his usual table in the coffee shop, this time with his friends, Tori, Andre, and Robbie.

"You've only met her like, what, two times?" Andre quirked an eyebrow, biting into his blueberry muffin.

"Yeah," Tori chuckled, gripping her raspberry tea in her hand. "How can she possibly be messing with your head?"

Beck sighed. "I don't know. She me a bad vibe."

"I give you a bad vibe, huh?" A voice questioned next to them with amusement.

The four of them all looked up and saw Jade, along with Cat, who just giggled.

"Do you always have to be here when I'm here?" Beck asked the goth, irritation lacing his tone, not even embarrassed that she heard him talk about her.

"Well it does seem that way, doesn't it?" Jade smiled innocently at Beck, causing him to roll his eyes at her antics.

Tori then spoke up, deciding the introduce herself to the two girls. "Hi, I'm Tori."

Jade narrowed her eyes at the brunette. "Did I ask?"

Cat sighed, gently slapping her best friend's arm. "Jadey, be nice."

"Don't call me that!"

"Okay, okay, don't hit me!"

Tori, Andre, and Robbie all exchanged a confused look, while Beck was getting more annoyed by the second.

"I'm Cat!" The perky red head then continued, grinning at them all. "And this is my best friend Jade!"

"Kinda," Jade mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

Robbie couldn't help but notice how cute the red head was, and how sweet she seemed to be. And when he and Cat met each other's eyes, Cat giggled, and the curly haired boy blushed.

"Well, it's nice to meet you guys," Andre said, a half smile gracing his lips.

"You too!" Cat exclaimed happily.

"If you didn't notice before," Beck spoke up, his gaze heavily tied with Jade's. "Me and my friends here are having a conversation."

Jade cocked her head at him, a smile creeping to her lips. "Yes, having a conversation about me."

"You don't know if I was talking about you," Beck replied quickly.

"Were you?"

Beck pursed his lips. "Not the point!"

Cat giggled, and Jade raised her eyebrows, a smile still playing on her lips.

"Whatever," the goth smirked. "Cat, let's leave these four to their intriguing conversation about me, and let Beck here continue to talk about how I give him such a bad vibe."


Beck let out a huff as the two girls left the coffee shop, while the three friends of his felt amused and confused.

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