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"Well, the date was good- "

Cat was cut off by the doorbell ringing, and Jade sighed, standing up to go and answer it.

When she opened the door, her eyes widened.

"Beck? What are you- "

He cut her off by pressing his lips to hers.

She was utterly shocked, but she quickly relaxed and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as his stayed firmly on her waist.

Beck's thoughts had swirled around money before he kissed her, but now, all he could think about was how her lips fit perfectly with his, how her vanilla chapstick had him craving more of her taste, how his mind became fuzzy by just her lips-

She then pulled away for air, slightly panting as she stared up at him, happiness evident in her bright blue eyes.

He couldn't do this. He couldn't-

Her lips pressed to his again, and his train of thought was completely shattered.

Money...just think about the money...

But her damn lips...

It was turn to pull away, his breathing ragged as he couldn't take his eyes off of hers.

Her eyes...her lips...her everything...

"Uh, um," he stuttered, trying to remember why the chiz he came here. "Um..."

"Aw, did I take your breath away?" Jade teased, still equally as breathless.

He chuckled, still out of breath. "I-I guess so."

"Hi!" Cat then exclaimed, rushing into the living room, then slipping out the door after shooting Jade a wink. "Bye!"

Beck's brows furrowed, and Jade shrugged, grinning wildly.

He didn't want to keep doing this.

It wasn't like she was going to find out, but he felt so guilty staring into her eyes, seeing the true happiness in them.

Should he keep going with this?

Was Tori right all along?

He was so confused.

But before he could think about it ang further, Jade kissed him again.

And before he knew it, her hand grabbed onto his and pulled him into her bedroom.


They didn't do much other than kissing, mostly because they weren't exactly ready for that.

Well, Jade wasn't ready for that- Beck honestly couldn't care less.

He'd had sex many times, each time with a different girl. It was just sex, it wasn't like it had to mean anything.

He hated when people explained sex as "making love." It's not making love, it was sex.

Because love isn't real.

Sex was sex- the pure act of pleasure. Nothing more.

And if he had to have sex with the raven haired beauty, he obviously wouldn't object. He would gladly have sex with anyone for money.

Well, Andre never said he had to screw her...but why not?

It wouldn't mean anything.

Well, she wouldn't know that...but who was he to care?

But of course, she wasn't ready, and he didn't push her.

He believed in consent.

So the two laid in Jade's bed as her head rested on his chest, his shirt riding up a bit so she could trade patterns on his abs, which surprisingly felt really good coming from her.

"So, did you just come here to kiss me, or what?"

Beck looked down at her, his fingers idly stroking her hair.

What? Her hair was incredibly soft.

He then shrugged. "Pretty much."

She smiled, and he hated how beautiful her smile was.

He hated how beautiful all of her was.

He hated that he didn't hate her.

God, he hated everything.

This was never supposed to happen.

He had never thought that he would ever get involved with a girl for money. Something that hopefully, she would never find out about.

She was oblivious, and that made him feel incredibly guilty.

He didn't know what to do anymore.

"Do you like me?" He then questioned, his fingers becoming still in her raven hair.

She sat up, causing him to pull his fingers away from her silky locks.

"Sure, you're a good guy."

No I'm not, he thought silently.

"I mean," he said. "Do you like me...more than a friend?"

She cocked her head to the side, licking her lips before replying, "what if I say yes? Would you like me back?"

His chest tightened.

"Take her to a fancy dinner," Andre had said. "Take a walk in the park...then boom! Pop the question."

"Answer the question, and then I'll answer yours."

She then slowly nodded. "Yeah. I like you."

And without a second thought he responded with, "I like you too."

Her blue eyes lit up, and god, he felt guilty.

But soon the money would be his, and he wouldn't have to worry about any of this anymore.

He reached out and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply and she eagerly returned the kiss.

What the chiz did he get himself into?


Am I going too fast with this? Cuz I honestly don't think this book has a secure plot anymore...

Why did I write this again?

I cringed so hard writing this chapter...it's so bad omg whyyy.

Sorry for this cringy chapter :'(

Until next time!

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