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"So, y'all two are together now?" Andre asked, sitting down across from Beck in the coffee shop.

Beck let out a sigh. "Well, we're not official yet- honestly, I don't know how this whole dating thing works."

Andre chuckled. "So basically, y'all two are dating, but not official, right?"

The Canadian shrugged. "I guess so. Can I have the money now?"

"Why do you want the money so bad, anyway?" Andre asked, ignoring his best friend's question.

Another shrug came from the tanned-skin Canadian. "I just want it, okay? I could use some extra cash."

"Makes sense. You can have it once you make y'all's relationship official."

Beck groaned. "What if she becomes clingy? Once I get the money I'm gonna break up with her. I don't want her to be like all those other girls that I've had sex with."

Andre raised an eyebrow. "You gonna have sex with her?"

Beck groaned again. "I don't know! Maybe. I mean why not?"

"She does seem like she'd be good in bed."


"I'm just sayin'! Geez."

Beck shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, annoyed.

"She's hot, man," Andre shrugged. "It wouldn't be so bad to date her for a few weeks. Hell, I'd do it for free."

"You have Tori," Beck reminded him.

"Well I know that," Andre smirked. "Tori's hot too. And so is Cat. They're all hot, okay?"

"Speaking of Cat," Beck said after taking a drink of his usual coffee. "I haven't seen her in a while."

"She's been hanging out with Rob a lot lately," Andre explained. "They be crushin' hard on each other."

Beck nodded in understanding. "Ah."

A buzz then came from Andre's pocket, and the musician pulled out his phone to check it.

"I gotta go," he announced, standing up. "Gotta go meet up with Tori."

"Tell her I said hi."

"Y'all ain't friends no more- "

"Just do it."

"Aight, fine. See ya man."

"See ya."

Andre left, leaving Beck alone in the coffee shop.

He checked his watch, realizing that Jade would usually be in the same coffee shop by now for her usual coffee.

He waited and waited for her.

But she never came.


Beck immediately rushed to Jade's apartment, a bad feeling in his gut.

He banged on her door, and a tearful Cat opened up.

"Cat," he greeted, concern lacing his tone. "Where's Jade? Is she okay?"

Cat sniffed, shaking her head.

"Cat, you need to tell me what's wrong with her."

"I-It's Brendan," the red head whispered, tears leaking from her brown eyes.

Beck frowned. "I thought he was in jail?"

"He got out," Cat cried, almost sobbing now. "He got a hold of Jadey...I was with Robbie. I came as quick as I could when she called me."

Beck couldn't breathe.

"W-What do you mean he got a hold of her?"

"She w-wouldn't tell me," Cat sobbed, crying in her hands. "S-She's in her room, m-maybe she'll t-talk to y-you."

Beck nodded, running to Jade's room, flinging the door open to find the goth sobbing on her bed.

"Hey, hey," he murmured softly, climbing onto her bed and pulling her into his arms. "It's alright, I'm here. It's gonna be okay."

She sobbed into his chest, her tears staining his white t-shirt. He ran his fingers through her hair soothingly, trying to get her to calm down.

"Shh," he murmured. "I'm here. I'll always be right here."

Why am I lying to her? He thought to himself, closing his eyes tightly.

Her sobs finally subsided after a while, her breathing coming out in soft gasps.

He cupped her face in his hands, brushing away some stray tears sliding down her porcelain cheeks with his thumbs. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. Alright?"

She only nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She shook her head.

He nodded, laying down and pulling her closer to his body, trying to comfort her.

"I'll do something about him," Beck mumbled softly. "I promise."

"He's strong, Beck," she then whispered, burying her face in his chest. "There's nothing you can do about him."

"Well I'm gonna do something about him," Beck growled, causing her to flinch at his angered tone.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, relaxing his body and calming down. "But he won't touch you again, okay?"

She nodded against his chest.

Beck didn't know why he was so angry- okay, anyone would've been angry about something as serious as this.

He cared, but he didn't know why.

He quickly sent Cat a text from his phone, telling her everything is fine and that she could go home.

After Cat replied with an "okay," he looked down at Jade, who was already sound asleep in his arms.

Sighing deeply, he pressed a kiss to her hair, and fell asleep instantly.


2:00 A.M. and a new chapter, my fingers are aching :)

Btw this chapter sucks.

Comment your thoughts pleaseee, they're my motivation 🥺♥️

Until next time!

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