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"Wow," Jade breathed, taking in the scenery around her. "It's beautiful."

Beck chuckled softly. "It is."

The sky was breathtaking, since the sun was setting, causing the sky to be a beautiful orange-ish pink color.

Now Jade would never admit it, but she was quite fond of sunsets.

They had both decided on a restaurant, that was simple yet beautiful. You got to choose whether or not to dine inside, or outside, and it was quite obvious that the two of them chose to sit outside and watch the sunset.

Beck pulled out a chair for her, because he figured why not be a gentleman tonight. But the action just earned him a playful yet hard slap on the arm and a glare.

"I can pull out my own seat, thank you very much," Jade remarked, sitting down and throwing him a look.

He put his hands up in surrender as he sat down in his own chair. "Sorry."

Beck became aware of how she rarely took her eyes off the sky, and it was difficult for him to decide which was more beautiful. The sunset, or her.

He decided on the latter.

Soon, a waitress came up to them to take their orders.

"Hello," she greeted, her eyes fixed on Beck. "Are you ready to order?"

"Uh, yeah," he replied, slightly uncomfortable with the way she was looking at him.

Jade rolled her eyes as Beck told the waitress his order, examining her nails until that blonde bimbo was done writing it down.

"Alright," the blonde giggled, then turned to Jade. "Ready to order, cutie?"

Jade's eyes widened, but didn't think much of it as she told the waitress her order.

"Okie doke, your orders will be out shortly," she announced, throwing Jade a wink before she walked away.

"Aw, she was flirting with you," Beck teased her playfully.

"Well she flirted with you too," the goth pointed out.

He shrugged. "Maybe she's bi."


Beck chuckled before asking, "so, what movie do you wanna see after this?"

"A horror movie," Jade answered instantly.

"Well I heard there's a new zombie movie out," he said. "It doesn't look that bad."

Jade shrugged. "Fine. Beats another movie about Vampires and Werewolves and chiz."

"You never liked Twilight?"

"Well I mean, Edward and Jacob were hot," she smirked. "But other than that, it sucked."

"No way," he scoffed. "It's a good movie!"

"Says the one who supposedly doesn't believe in love," she quirked an eyebrow. "Yet the movie is about a girl falling in love with a vampire and her best friend is a werewolf, and has feelings for her as well."

Beck sighed. "I don't believe in love, but I also don't believe in vampires or werewolves, either. The entire movie is fictional. It's fantasy. None of it is real, including love."

Jade rolled her eyes. "I never understand what you're talking about."

"It's pretty easy to comprehend," the Canadian chuckled lightly. "Love just, isn't real."

Before anyone could say anything further, the waitress brought their food to their table.

"Here you go, cuties," she said, setting the food down in front of them. "Enjoy!"

After she walked away again, the two began realizing how hungry they were and dug into their food, still entranced by the sunset illuminating the sky in such a beautiful manner.


"That movie sucked," Jade laughed after they left the theater. "The zombies didn't even look real! And the graphics were awful!"

"Well the trailer looked good," Beck replied defensively. "How was I supposed to know it would flop?"

"You don't depend on the trailer," Jade said, still laughing. "The trailer only gives you hints about what the movie is gonna be about."

"I know that," Beck rolled his eyes. "I didn't know it was gonna be this bad."

"Well it was pretty bad."

"Yeah I get that now."

She laughed again, the sound filling his ears blessedly.

"Well," he spoke after a few minutes. "How bad was the date on a scale of one to ten?"

"Hmm," she pretended to think. "One."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really? It wasn't bad?"

She shrugged. "No, it was nice. I had a good time."

Beck smiled. "I'm glad."

She smiled back, and his stomach did front flips.

He wasn't falling for her, right?

No. He couldn't be.

He just wasn't used to this, that's all.


I suck at writing dates lmao.

This chapter isn't that great, but that's because I'm pretty stressed about my other Bade book.

This one person was spreading hate on my last Bade book, (not gonna say who it was), saying that Bori is better and that they ship Bori and blah blah blah.

Like, I understand if you don't ship Bade, but why the chiz are you reading my Bade book if you ship Bori? Like, what??

Like seriously, don't come onto my book just to spread hate. Why waste your time commenting on my book just to say that you think Bori is better? I don't appreciate it.

Sorry for the long rant, I just had to get it out of my system.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed :)

Until next time!

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