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"So, how bout another date?"

Jade almost spit out the coffee she was drinking in shock.

After swallowing she asked, "what?"

Beck chuckled. "I asked if you wanted to go out on another date with me."

She didn't bother to hide the grin coming over her lips. "Sure."

Beck grinned. "Great!"

This is too easy, he thought to himself, taking a sip of his own coffee. I'll have that one hundred fifty dollars in no time.

"What are you thinking about?"

Beck snapped out of this thoughts and forced a smile at the goth. "Nothing, just tired, that's all."

She nodded, believing him.

"So I'll pick you up at seven again, alright?"

"Sounds good. But where are we going?"

His chocolate eyes twinkled. "Guess you'll just have to wait and see."


Later that afternoon, Jade picked out a simple yet cute outfit to wear for their date, which was a forest green, long-sleeved top with a black skirt and black tights, along with her signature black combat boots.

She still couldn't believe that Beck had asked her out on another date.

The thought of him actually liking her sent excited shivers down her spine.

After finishing getting ready, her phone buzzed.

Kitty: Robbie asked me out on a date! We're both gonna have boyfriends soon!

Jade chuckled at the text, happy for her best friend.

Jade: Good for you, kitty. And idk about that lol.

She slipped her phone into her skirt pocket, (yes, her skirt had pockets), and ran a brush through her raven curls, eyes on her reflection in the mirror.

She sighed at the sight, but quickly brushed it off as she heard a knock come from the front door.

She rushed to the living room and opened the door to a certain tanned-skin Canadian.

"Hello again," he grinned goofily, his eyes looking her up and down.

"Hey," she replied, cheeks heating up as he stared at her.

"You never fail to amaze me," he murmured.

He smirked at her flushed expression, loving the affect he had on her.

Soon, he would have her wrapped around his finger, and earn the money he so desperately wanted.

"Charming," she responded, quirking an eyebrow as she headed out the door, closing it behind her.

"Oh, I can be very charming," he smirked, slipping into the driver's seat of his car, as Jade rolled her eyes and slipped into the passenger seat.

"So, care to tell me where we're going now?"

Beck clicked his tongue before answering, "nope."

"I hate surprises," she mumbled, staring out the window.

"You seem to hate a lot of things."

"I do."

"I can tell."

"Just shut up and drive."

"Yes ma'am," Beck laughed, starting the drive to one of his special, secret spots in Los Angeles.

"The sunset is beautiful," he heard her breath as she continued staring out of the window and up at the sky.

Since he liked to consider himself rather good at flirting, he replied, "not as beautiful as you."

She looked over to him, but his eyes were fixed on the road.

"You really mean that?"

"Of course," he answered, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

A small smile graced her lips as she turned her attention back to outside the window.

She's so oblivious, Beck thought silently. I feel kinda bad...

But one hundred and fifty bucks was one hundred and fifty bucks.

He couldn't say no to that.

"We're here," he then announced after a few more minutes.

Jade perked up, looking around her, taking in the scenery after she got out of the car.

"A garden?"

"Not just any garden," he said, fixing his eyes on the beautiful flowers growing from the flower bed. "A secret garden. I don't think anyone knows it's here."

"Corny," she smirked. "But sweet."

She then watched as he went to the trunk of his car, pulling out a cute picnic basket and bringing it over to a nice spot on the green grass.

A corner of her mouth tilted up. "We're having a picnic?"

He laid down a picnic blanket and sat down, grinning brightly at her. "Yep. A picnic while watching the sunset."

She wanted to come up with words about how cheesy this all was, but it was just way too cute.

So she sat down next to him as he opened up the picnic basket.

"I don't exactly know what kinda food you're a fan of," he explained as he pulled out all different kinds of foods, like fruits and vegetables. "So I brought as much as what seemed necessary."

"You're so cheesy," she laughed. "But it's really sweet. I like it."

He smiled. "I'm glad."

She scooted closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder, eyes entranced on the gorgeous sunset illuminating the sky once again.

But his eyes weren't fixed on the sunset.

His eyes were fixed on her.


Woohoo, three updates in a day!

And I just realized that I've been spelling Los Angeles wrong my entire life...turns out it's not Las Angeles, it's Los Angeles...whoops.

Anywhooo, I hope you enjoyed!

Until next time!

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