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"So y'all really slept together?" Andre asked in surprise, his eyes slightly widening. "Dang. She must really like you."

Beck shrugged. "Sucks for her."

The musician frowned. "You really don't care about her?"

Another shrug. "Why should I? The sex meant nothing. Besides, it's not like she was a virgin."

"You don't know that."

"She's had sex before me, man," Beck said. "If she was a virgin, there would've been blood on the sheets."

Andre grimaced. "Okay, I really didn't need that image in my head."

"Oh well."

Andre sighed, lacing his fingers together on the table. "Man, maybe you should just call this off."

Beck frowned. "What? No way!"

"Money isn't that important, Beck," he told him. "I talked to Tori and- "

Beck cut him off, rolling his eyes. "Of course. It's always Tori this, Tori that. I don't care about what she has to say, alright? And I'm not calling this off. We made a deal. I get Jade to fall for me, date her and chiz, and you give me the money."

"If you don't stop being such a scumbag," Andre scowled. "Then I'll go and tell Jade right now."

"Don't you dare. I need the money."

"Why?!" Andre asked in exasperation. "Why do you need the chizzing money? Why?!"

"Because I just do, okay?!" Beck yelled, standing up angrily, not even caring about the multiple eyes on them in the coffee shop. "Look, I'm asking Jade to be my girlfriend tonight. And after that, I want the dang money, alright?"

Andre sighed heavily, shaking his head. "This chiz is making you a bad person, man."

"You started this all," Beck said. "It's your fault."

"Maybe," the musician shrugged, standing up. "But when Jade finds out about this, just remember that you were the scumbag who chose money over a good heart."

And with that statement, he walked out of the coffee shop.

Leaving Beck alone and angry.


"I'm taking you out tonight," Beck announced, pulling Jade to him by the waist.

She played with the buttons on his shirt. "Any reason?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he winked, causing her to roll her eyes at him.

She pecked his lips and pulled away from him, heading to her bedroom to get ready.

"God, why am I doing this again?" Beck mumbled, sitting down on the living room couch.

About ten minutes later, Jade came out of her room adorned in a maroon, long-sleeved top tucked into a short black skirt, with black tights and combat boots.

He would be lying if he said she didn't look beautiful.

"Ready to go?"

She nodded, already slipping out the door as he trailed behind her.

Beck decided to do what Andre bad previously suggested; a dinner and a stroll in the park.

That sounded romantic enough.

They had dinner and a cute, fancy restaurant, small but beautiful.

Not many people were there, which was a good thing. It wasn't crowded. It was small and sweet.

After they had their dinner, Beck took her hand, pulling her to the park that was right around the corner.

The scenery was dark yet breathtaking, with the sky being almost pitch black.

But stars scattered all along the sky, making the view much more satisfying.

"This park is beautiful," she breathed, taking in the scenery around her.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you," Beck replied, pulling out a small jewelry box from his pocket that held a gorgeous necklace that he knew she would love.

He had gotten earlier that day from a jewelry store, and surprisingly, it didn't cost as much as he thought. The store was closing, and they had to get rid of as much as possible.

Since they had been dating for about a month now, he hoped she would say yes to being his girlfriend. It was rather soon, but he wanted to get this over with as quick as possible.

She saw the box in his hand and quirked an eyebrow. "Geez, I'm not even your girlfriend and you're already proposing."

He chuckled lightly at the comment before opening the box.

She gasped at the silver necklace, taking in the beauty of it before looking up at him.

"I know it's rather soon," he said, carefully pulling the necklace out its box. "But I've realized how much you mean to me, and the past weeks have been the best, since I was with you."

He didn't know if he was popping the question right, but oh well.

"So," he said, brown eyes looking into blue. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Jade gasped and nodded, immediately throwing her arms around him as he laughed softly.

She pulled away, and he brushed her hair away so he could bring the necklace around her neck.

"I love it," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and staring up at him. "Thank you."

"Of course," he replied, stealing a kiss from her lips before they pulled away again.

Because he knew that if he stared into her beautiful blue eyes one more time, he would absolutely lose it.


Hehe Beck's a douchebag.

Don't worry, it's gonna get better.


It'll get worse. Sorry.

Since I have no life whatsoever, I'll most likely post another two or three chapters today, hopefully.

Hope you don't hate me too much :)

Until next time!

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