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Beck knocked on the door of Jade's apartment, but wasn't expecting to be met with the raven haired beauty sobbing in front of him.

Before he could ask what was wrong, she fell into his arms, crying into his chest, tears staining his shirt once again.

"Hey, hey," he murmured gently, ushering her towards the couch. "Let's sit down, okay?"

She nodded, pulling away from him and trying to calm down her ragged gasps.

After they both sat down on the couch, she cuddled up next to him, and he had no choice but to hold her in his arms.

"Do you want to talk about it this time?"

She sniffed, taking a deep breath before answering him.

"B-Brendan came back," she whispered. "I-I called the police and they came, but I-I don't think they can do much about him."

"I'm sorry," he murmured, and he was. He couldn't believe that douchebag kept trying to hurt her. "What did he do to you? Why does he keep doing this to you?"

Jade let out a shaky breath. "Brendan is my ex-boyfriend."

Beck's eyes widened.

"I-I thought he was great at first," she continued, playing with her fingers nervously. "He was sweet and loving. But then he became more angry and abusive."

"Wow," Beck muttered. "I'm sorry."

She shrugged. "It's fine. He was a douche. I honestly thought he'd kill me at some point. I was about ready to die."

He shook his head. Nobody should ever have to feel that way.

Then she looked up at him, a small smile gracing her lips. "But then I met you."

Beck felt a sharp pang in his chest.

He couldn't do it.

He couldn't break it off with her.

Not right now.

And just as he thought it couldn't get any worse, three words left her lips, and he wanted to die.

"I love you."

He squeezed his eyes shut.

This couldn't be happening.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

He kept lying and lying to her, leading her on just for money.

He felt tears well up in his eyes, and he mustered enough courage to respond.

"I love you too."


"You what?!"

"I can't do this," Beck said, pacing around Tori's living room, ignoring his friends outburst as his heart raced. "I can't do this anymore!"

"I can't believe it," Tori muttered, running her fingers through her hair in exasperation. "She told you that she loved you, and you said you loved her too?"

"Pretty much," Beck mumbled, his heart beating faster and faster.

"That's messed up, man!" Andre exclaimed, running a hand down his face in irritation. "How could you lie to her like this?!"

"I-I don't know!" Beck yelled back. "I had to! What else was I supposed to say?!"

"Tell her the dang truth!"

Beck sighed heavily, finding it harder to breathe. He couldn't believe all the chiz he had gotten himself into.

"Poor Jade," Tori frowned, shaking her head.

"Man, why haven't you called it off with her already?" Andre asked. "You've got the money."

Because I don't want to, Beck thought silently.

"I don't know," the Canadian said instead. "I just couldn't."

"You're in loads of trouble," Tori said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Beck couldn't believe it.

He didn't want to break up with Jade. He didn't know why, but he didn't.

Everytime he was with her, brand new emotions filled his senses. It was all just so unreal to him.

He had told himself not to put his feelings first. Focus on the money.

But he had the money.

And he still hasn't called it off with her yet.

Maybe he was scared. Maybe he was worried.

Or maybe he was falling for her after all.

Her eyes, her smile, her everything.

When she was happy, he was happy.

He never knew he was happy when he was with her, because he pushed away his true feelings.

But he just knew that being with her was true happiness.

Her smile could light up the darkest of days, and her eyes were easily his weakness.

He just couldn't believe it.

"I don't know what to do," Beck groaned, tears of frustration welling up in his chocolate eyes. "What the hell am I supposed to do?!"

"Tell her the truth," Andre and Tori said in unison, becoming frustrated as well.

But he couldn't.

He wasn't going to tell her the truth.

He had fallen for her, he knew he had.

He wasn't going to give up just yet.

"I'm stupid," he whispered, his fingers angrily tugging on his hair. "I'm so stupid! What the hell did I do?!"

"You are stupid alright," Tori said, sighing.

"Lemme guess," Andre spoke, sighing along with the brunette. "You just realized you like her after all?"

All Beck could do was slowly nod, before falling to the floor with his face in his hands.


Beck is an idiottttt.

Lemme know your thoughts on this chapter, they make me happy!

Until next time!

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