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Beck immediately rushed to her, making sure she was at least still breathing.

He checked her pulse, and he let out a sigh of relief. She was still breathing. She would be okay.

He had no idea what had happened in order for her to pass out, but he just hoped she would wake up soon.

They might've barely been friends, but he wasn't heartless.

He cared.

There wasn't really a point in calling an ambulance, so he carefully lifted her up and allowed her to lay in his lap, just until she became conscious again.

His heart was beating rapidly, probably because of fear.

Beck Oliver never got scared.

Until now.

Ten minutes later of sitting there with her passed out in his lap, the goth began to stir.

She slowly sat up, pressing the palm of her hand to her forehead, as if it would reduce the throbbing headache she began to endure.

Then she noticed Beck, who wore a look of concern on his face.

"I didn't think you'd come," she said, her voice slightly hoarse.

"Of course I would," he replied honestly. "I'm not heartless."

She just groaned in response, her eyes shut tightly in pain.

"I can get you something," he declared, already standing up from the bed. "Food? Water? Advil?"

"Advil, please," she mumbled. "And water. Advil's in the bathroom cabinet above the sink."

Beck nodded, heading to the bathroom as she got comfortable in her bed.

He grabbed the Advil, but something quickly caught his eye before he closed the cabinet door.

An inhaler?

It's gotta be hers, he thought to himself as he grabbed it as well. It doesn't look like anyone else lives here.

He took the Advil and inhaler, grabbing a water bottle from the kitchen before heading back to Jade's room.

"Here you go."

She thanked him and took the medicine along with the water, then noticing the inhaler he had placed on the bed.

"I-I saw it and figured maybe you needed it," he explained sheepishly as she stared at him.

She didn't respond, just placed the inhaler on her bedside table.

"You can leave, you know."

He frowned. "I'm not gonna leave you in a state like this."

"I'm sure I'll be fine."

"I don't care. I'm staying whether you like it or not."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you actually care about me," she chuckled, taking another gulp of water.

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