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"So, can I see them now?"

"I don't understand why you want to see the bruises," Jade remarked, sitting down on Beck's bed, which was surprisingly much more comfortable than her own. "But fine."

Beck sat next to her as she brushed her raven locks off her neck, exposing the dark bruises scattered along her skin to him.

They were pretty dark, purple but close to black, standing out against her snow white skin. He felt his chest squeeze at the sight.

He lifted his hand up and gently brushed his fingers against her neck, causing Jade to tense up a bit.

"I'm sorry," he said, snatching his hand away as she flinched. " I shouldn't have- "

She cut him off. "Its okay. I don't mind."

"You sure?"

The goth nodded. " gentle."

Beck nodded and brushed his fingers along her skin, softly moving from her neck to her collarbone. She closed her eyes, the feeling of his soft fingers against her skin sending sparks throughout her body.

But when his fingers dipped underneath the collar of her shirt, her eyes snapped open.

She immediately pulled away, and he became rather flustered.

"Oh my god," he breathed, shutting his eyes tightly. "I'm so sorry, really. I-I don't know what had gotten into me, I-I'm sorry."

Jade felt heat rise to her cheeks as she replied, "it's fine. But I think I need to go."

"I am really sorry- "

"Beck," she stood up and gave him a look. "It's fine, really. I just have to go."

Beck nodded, his eyes fixed onto his lap in shame.

So she left the RV, wondering what would've happened if she'd let his hands go under her shirt.


"Are you stupid?"

Beck sighed heavily. "I guess I am."

Andre shook his head from his seat on the couch. "First you say you want nothing to do with the girl, and then you go and try to touch her? What kind of chiz logic is that?"

"Must've been hormones," Robbie piped up. "You couldn't keep it in your pants, now could you?"

"Okay, why don't you just shut up?" Beck snapped at the curly haired boy, his eyes glaring daggers at him.

Robbie put his hands up in surrender. "Just saying...did you get a bone- "

Beck angrily stood up and grabbed Robbie's shirt in his hand, lifting him up off the couch while the boy began shaking in fear.

"Alright, alright!" Tori yelled, pulling Beck off of the curly haired boy. "No fighting in my house!"

Andre nodded in agreement. "Chica's right, you better take that chiz somewhere else."

Beck huffed, fire in his chocolate eyes as he sat back down in one of Tori's chairs.

"Maybe we should do something about this," Andre commented, wiping the palms of his hands on his jeans as he stood up. "Beck, you obviously feel some typa way about Jade, don't try to deny it."

Beck rolled his eyes.

"So, you might not exactly be in love with her, but maybe you should give this whole relationship thing a try," the musician concluded.

"What?" Beck scoffed.

"I think what Andre is trying to say is," Tori spoke. "Date her. Maybe she likes you too. Try out a relationship with her, and you know, see where it goes."

"I am not going to date her," Beck said, shaking his head.

"You don't exactly have to like her yet," Andre explained to the Canadian. "Try, I don't know, fake dating her."

Beck furrowed his brows in confusion. "Fake dating her?"

The musician nodded. "Yeah. Go out with her, date her for a bit just to see if maybe, you actually like her after all. And if you don't, then it wasn't meant to be."

"Um, I don't think that's fair for Jade," Tori remarked, not liking the idea of this.

"Yeah," Robbie spoke warily. "What if she finds out that it was all fake?"

Andre rolled his eyes. "It's not gonna be all fake if Beck actually starts to like her. That's exactly why ain't nobody gonna tell her about this."

Beck sighed. "I don't think that's a good idea. I don't do relationships, you know this."

"C'mon man, " Andre said. "You might actually like her. It'll be a nice little experiment, ya know?"

"And if I don't actually like her?"

"Then it wasn't meant to be, like I said."

Tori let out a disappointed sigh. "This really isn't a good idea..."

"You'll be wimp if you don't do this, man," Andre continued as Beck thought about it. "Just give it a try."

Beck shrugged. "Fine. I'll do it."

Tori shook her head, frowning as Robbie did the same.


The group then all went back to watching movies and hanging out, and Tori was definitely going to have a talk with Andre after Beck and Robbie left.

This wasn't going to be good.


Ooh, drama's gonna be starting soon...

Oh, and did I just spend five hours watching season two and three of Dynasty just for Fallon and Liam moments?

Yes. Yes I did.

And did I totally skip over season one because I really hate Fallon and Culhane together?

Also yes. Yes I did.

Hope you enjoyed :)

Until next time!

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