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The next day was rainy and cloudy.

It usually wasn't ever gloomy outside. It was always so sunny and bright. It was Las Angeles, after all.

But as usual, Beck sat inside the coffee shop at approximately ten A.M., slowly munching on a scone and sipping his coffee.

And as usual, Jade walked inside.

But this time she adorned a smile on her face, not her usual scowl. Beck's eyebrows raised when he faintly heard her ask for her usual order politely, which definitely wasn't something he would've thought to witness.

"Black coffee with two sugars, please."

The worker's eyes widened in shock, but quickly nodded and made up her order.

Beck couldn't help but notice how pretty her smile was. That smile could light up the darkest of days.

He wondered what had made her so happy, and before he could change his mind, he decided to ask her.


The goth turned around, her smile directed towards to the tanned-skin Canadian. "Hey, Beck."

He motioned for her to come and sit with him, and she happily obliged, sitting in the usual booth across from him.

"Look, this doesn't make us friends or anything," he spoke, making her arch an eyebrow. "I was just wondering, why the chiz are you so happy?"

Jade shrugged. "Why can't I be happy?"

"Well you're usually not," Beck chuckled softly. "As far as I know. Besides, it's so...gloomy outside."

Jade's smile became bigger as she looked out the window, placing her elbows on the table and laying her chin in her hands. "That's exactly why I'm so happy."

Beck scoffed. "Because it's sad and gloomy today? That makes you happy?"

Jade nodded. "It's not every day that it rains here in LA. And when it does, I feel happy. I'm only happy when everyone else is sad."

A frown made its way to Beck's lips. "Why?"

"Because when people are sad, it makes me feel as if I'm not the only one," she answered, taking a drink of her coffee. "I'm not the only who gets upset."

"And that makes you...happy," Beck repeated, trying to understand her kind of logic.

"Very much so."

"You are officially the weirdest person I've ever met," Beck chuckled, amused.

"You say weird, I say unique."

"Unique, huh?" Beck grinned goofily.

Jade really liked his smile.

"Yup." She sipped her coffee, trying not to focus too much on how insanely handsome he was up close.

"Well, you're still weird to me," he said. "Not that being weird is a bad thing. But...yeah."

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