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"Wow," Jade's eyes widened as she took in her surroundings. "Sick place."

Beck smiled sheepishly, running his fingers through his hair. "Thanks. I know it's pretty small..."

"I like it," she grinned, causing his stomach to do flips. "Gives off a cool vibe."

"I'm glad."

She then noticed the guitar leaning against his wall, raking her eyes over it.

He went over and grabbed it, sitting on the edge of the bed. He patted the spot next to him, and Jade eagerly sat next to him.

She intently watched him as he strung simple chords, slowly so she could understand.

When it was her turn to try, he handed her the guitar, and watched as she tried to copy his movements.

Long story short, she wasn't that great.

Beck chuckled as her nose wrinkled cutely, her brows furrowing as she concentrated on strumming the right chords.

She was insanely adorable.

"Here," he murmured, positioning himself correctly so he could wrap his arms around hers, placing his hands on her own. "Lemme help."

Jade nodded, biting her bottom lip as he strummed the chords, his hands on hers.

"Ugh, I'm not good at this," she grumbled, handing him back the guitar. "Why don't we try something else?"

"Like what?"

"You play the guitar," she said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "And I'll sing."

A smile ghosted over his lips. "Alright. What you wanna sing?"

"Just start playing and I'll come up with something."

He nodded, his fingers strumming the guitar in a soft tune.

When she began singing, he couldn't breathe.

Her voice was simply breathtaking.

He had never heard a voice so beautiful, so beautiful that it took his breath away.

He didn't even notice when his fingers stopped strumming.

He was too entranced by her voice.

When she stopped and looked at him with those enchanting blue eyes, he swore he could see stars.

"So?" She grinned at him, waiting for his answer.

"That was..."

He didn't even have the words to describe how amazing her voice was.


He noticed a pink blush tinting her cheeks as she smiled down at her lap.

She was truly magical.

Beck was so...confused. He had never felt like this before.


A phone then buzzed loudly, and Jade grabbed hers, and Beck saw the color drain from her face.

"Uh, I-I gotta go," she mumbled, standing up and brushing her hands down her skirt. "I'll see you later?"

Beck nodded, his brows furrowing in confusion and concern as he watched her hurry out the door.


Brendan: Answer you phone now.

Jade gulped before pressing call.


"Do not hey me," he growled into the phone. "I have been trying to get a hold of you for the past week. Mind explaining to me why you've been avoiding me, baby doll?"

She inwardly cringed at the nickname before answering. "Brendan, we're not together- "

"Shut the hell up," he hissed, making her flinch at his harsh tone. "We are together if I say we're together. Understand?"

"But- "

"I said shut the hell up!" He yelled in the phone. "I want you in your apartment now, and I will be there soon. Don't make me mad now, baby doll."

"I understand," she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut tightly.

"Good girl. I'm on my way."

He hung up, and she tried to keep herself from breaking down into sobs.

She was tough. She really was.

But when it came to Brendan, she was absolutely terrified.

About ten minutes later, she heard a harsh knock on the door, and she went to open it.

"Hey baby doll," Brendan grinned wickedly, unsettling her. "Miss me?"

"Please," she begged, her legs trembling in fear. "Just leave. Please."

"I think you forgot who you're talking to here," he chuckled, pushing her harshly against the wall. "Now, I suggest you keep that pretty little mouth of yours shut."

Then his hand became enclosed around her neck, and her air was immediately cut off.

"Stop," she gasped, trying to pull his arms down. "Please."

Brendan watched as her eyes slowly drooped, a small grin etched on his lips.

Jade felt herself slowly slip away, and she realized there was nothing she could do.

She was going to die.

She felt her body slack, and she immediately slumped to the ground as he let go.

"Worthless slut," he muttered, his eyes instantly widening as he heard the front door slam open.

And before he could process what was happening, a fist came in contact with his face, and he fell to the floor.


Sorry for the delay and shortness of this chapter. As I've said before, I've had no motivation.

Plus, I binged SDRR for about four hours, so, yeah.

Anyways, I hope this chapter didn't suck!

Until next time!

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