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Beck didn't break it off with Jade.

Instead he spent the next two months with her, much to Andre and Tori's disappointment.

Tori decided to invite everyone to her house that night to hang out. But she only suggested the gathering so her and Andre could tell everyone the truth.

It hurt the two teens seeing Beck with Jade, and seeing how happy Beck made her.

It wasn't fair to Jade.

So Cat and Robbie arrived at Tori's first, and Beck and Jade arrived last.

Andre obviously could tell how hard Beck was starting to fall for the raven haired beauty. He saw the happiness in the Canadian's eyes that hadn't been there for a long time.

But he couldn't help but feel like it was still a lie.

Tori set up snacks and movies up on the living room table, preparing for the night with the gang.

"Ooh, popcorn!" Cat exclaimed happily, grabbing a handful out of the red bowl that Tori had placed down earlier and stuffing it into her mouth, giggling.

"I swear, she's like a child," Andre said, chuckling a bit at the red head's antics.

Jade rolled her eyes. "A child that I have to take care of."

Beck chuckled at the comment and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him.

Andre and Tori exchanged a look.

"That's a pretty necklace," Tori spoke up, motioning to the silver necklace around the goth's neck.

Jade's face lit up. "It is! Beck got it for me when he asked me to be his girlfriend."

Andre tried hard not to sigh. "I bet he did."

"Aren't they adorable together?" Cat piped up from her place on the floor with Robbie.

Tori nodded. "Yeah...they're pretty cute."

Andre fought back a sneer. "Adorable."

Jade noticed the uneasiness coming from the two teens and she frowned.

"What's up with you two?"

Tori shrugged. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

Andre shot Beck a look, and Beck froze.

"Why are you all being so weird?" The goth questioned, her face adorning confusion.

"We're not being weird at all," Andre replied, shrugging.

"T-They're always like this," Beck said, his heart racing in fear.

Jade turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "Why did you stutter?"

"Stutter?" Beck scoffed. "I didn't stutter. I never stutter."


Cat frowned, along with Robbie, both watching in confusion.

"Now why is everyone quiet?" Jade questioned, utterly confused now. "What the chiz is going on?"

"Nothing!" Beck exclaimed, rubbing his temples with his fingers in exhaustion. "Nothing is going on. Let's just watch a movie, alright?"

That got Cat's attention. "Ooh, can we watch The Little Mermaid? Ariel has bright red hair, just like me!"

Beck nodded eagerly. "Yeah! Let's watch that! Sound good? Cause I think it sounds good."

Jade furrowed her brows at his weird antics.

Cat giggled. "Yay! Robbie, put the disc in please!"

"Okie dokie!" Robbie stood up and grabbed the movie, taking out the disc and placing it in the DVD player.

Just as Beck was beginning to relax, Tori decided to speak up again.

"So, how long have you two been dating now? A month or two?"

Jade grinned. "Four months."

Tori nodded. "Hmm. Wow."

The grin quickly became a frown. "What do you mean wow?"

Tori shrugged. "Oh, nothing. Just that it's quite a shocker to be honest."

Beck felt his heart racing again.

"Why is it a shocker?" Jade glared at the brunette.

"Tori," Beck said in a warning tone.

The Latina sighed. "I don't know. Beck hasn't had a relationship that lasted longer than yours, so congrats."

Beck immediately relaxed again.

"Oh," Jade said. "Thanks."

"Flounder is so cute!" Cat then giggled, her eyes on the TV, obviously not paying attention to whatever was happening around her.

Jade focused on the movie along with Cat and Robbie, and Beck shot Tori and Andre a warning look.

Andre shook his head in disappointment, and Tori just shrugged in response.

"I think it's about time she knows the truth," Tori then announced loudly, making Beck become increasingly worried.

Jade's brows furrowed again in confusion. "About time who knows the truth?"

"Cat," Tori said. "Pause the TV, please."


Tori let out a long sigh, turning to face the goth with an upset look on her face. "It's about time you know the truth, Jade."

Andre placed a hand on the brunette's arm. "Maybe we shouldn't do this now, Tor."

"Do what now?" Jade asked, becoming more and more confused. "Tell me what is going on."

"Don't," Beck warned, sweat forming on the back of his neck in worry and fear.

"Beck's a liar, Jade," Tori said. "And its about time you realize the truth."


Dun dun dunnnn.

The next chapter will probably be the last chapter, depending if all goes to plan.

And again, you all are gonna hate me so much-

Hehe I'm so evil.

Comments make me happy :)

Until next time!

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