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"So, how was your date?" Tori asked with big hopeful eyes.

"It was good," Beck answered, coming back into the living room with a soda in hand and sitting down on the couch.

"Just good?" Andre questioned, leaning back into the couch.

Beck shrugged. "It was nice. She had a good time and so did I."

"So, you don't like her yet?"

The Canadian rolled his eyes. "We went on one date. One date won't make me fall head over heels for her."

Tori clicked her tongue. "You never know..."

"Yeah, I do know," Beck said. "Look, I don't think this whole "fake-dating" thing is a good idea. I don't want anything to do with her and I think I should just stop getting involved with her."

Tori let out a sigh of relief. "Good. Because it's not fair to Jade if you keep on with this."

"Oh, c'mon man," Andre whined. "Y'all went on one date, and y'all are gonna go on many more. Y'all just starting getting to know each other, you can't quit now."

"I don't want to keep doing this," Beck sighed. "Jade seems like a cool girl, but I don't date."

"Fifty bucks."


Andre pulled out a wad of cash from his back pocket. "Fifty bucks to date her."

Tori's eyes widened. "You're going to pay him to date her?"

Andre shrugged. "Yeah, why not? Fifty bucks to get her to date him."

Beck shook his head. "I'm not doing that."

"Hundred bucks."

Robbie and Tori groaned.

"I'm not gonna take the money, man," Beck said.

"One hundred and fifty bucks, but that's the final offer," Andre declared.

Beck then sighed, turning his attention to his best friend. "You really gonna pay me to date her?"

"Fake date her," Andre pointed out. "You know, if you end up not liking her after all."

"Andre, this is so messed up," Tori remarked sadly.

Robbie nodded in agreement with the brunette. "Yeah, it really is. This isn't fair to Jade."

Andre rolled his eyes. "Lighten up a little, why don't y'all? It's all for fun." He turned back to Beck. "So man, you gonna do it or not?"

"Beck," Tori warned. "Don't do it."

Beck stared at the wad of cash in Andre's hand, and being as stupid as he was, he gave in.

"Alright. I could use the extra cash anyway."

Tori shook her head in disappointment, while Robbie let out a sigh.

"You two disgust me, honestly," Robbie frowned.

"Look, it may be a little mean," Andre started. "But as long as Jade don't find out, what's the harm?"

Beck nodded. "Yeah, nobody's gonna tell her and it'll all be fine. Besides, it's not like I'm gonna "fall in love" with her anyway, right?"

Tori glared at the tanned-skin Canadian. "It's still not right and you know it. Dating her for money? That's a real douche move."

Andre let out a sigh through his nose. "C'mon Tor, lighten up a little. Wait, you ain't gonna tell Jade, right?"

Tori frowned. "I should."

"But you're not, right?" Beck chuckled nervously.

The Latina huffed, standing up and crossing her arms over her chest. "No, I'm not going to. But when Jade finds out, which I guarantee you she will, you two will be facing hell, so don't say I didn't tell you so."

And with that, she headed upstairs, leaving the three guys alone in the living room.


"Oh my gosh, that's so romantic!" Cat squealed, giggling effortlessly as she played around with Mr. Purple. "He definitely likes you, Jadey!"

Jade scoffed. "I wish."

Cat ignored the comment. "You two are gonna fall in love, get married, have babies- "



"Shut up!"

The red head pouted. "Well that's not very nice."

The goth scowled at her, falling down onto her bed as she looked up at the ceiling. "He doesn't like me, Cat. Maybe he just felt sorry for me and asked me on a date."

"I doubt it," Cat said, hugging her stuffed giraffe to her chest.

Jade sighed heavily, wishing that Beck actually liked her after all.

But what guy like him would like a girl like her?

He was perfect in every way possible, and she wasn't.

No guy like him would ever fall for a girl like her.



Does anyone else ever get car sick during a long drive? Because I do, and it's not fun.

Like seriously, I feel like I'm gonna pass out. It's that bad.

I hope you enjoyed this incredibly sucky chapter :)

Until next time!

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