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"I really am sorry."

Jade groaned. "Dude, how many times are you gonna apologize?"

"Until you forgive me."

"I do forgive you, idiot," the goth rolled her eyes, bringing her coffee cup to her lips.

She had only went one day without coffee, but it felt like an eternity.

"Just makin' sure," Beck chuckled, tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

His heart practically jumped in his chest as she fixed her icy blue eyes on his, and he decided to pop the question.

"Hey," he said, trying to keep his nervousness under control. "Are you free tonight?"

A small smile came over Jade's lips. "Sure, I'm free."

"Great," Beck grinned. "How does dinner and a movie sound?"

Jade could barely keep her giddiness under control, but she managed to answer with a calm, "sounds great."

Beck smiled, hoping that he could just take her out on a simple date and then drop her.

Because of course, he didn't believe in love.

And he never would.

"So I'll pick you up at seven," he declared, trying to ignore the happy smile that spread across her lips.

"Sounds good."

Jade felt ecstatic. It wasn't like she had fallen for him, but a date with him sounded pretty dang good.

And if he asked her out on a date, then maybe he actually liked her after all.

At least, that was what she had thought, anyway.

Maybe he wouldn't be like all of the other guys that she had been with.

Maybe he actually wouldn't break her heart this time.


"He asked you out on a date?!" Cat exclaimed excitedly, squealing and giggling happily. "Oh my gosh, I told you he likes you! This is amazing!"

"Well I don't know if he likes me," Jade said, rummaging through her closet to find something cute to wear. "We're just going to dinner and then a movie."

"That's like, the ultimate date!"

The goth shrugged, not bothering to hide the smile on her lips. "Maybe. Let's just see where this goes, alright?"

Cat giggled. "Kay-kay!"

"Okay," Jade let out a breath, holding a black dress to her body as she turned to face her best friend, who sat on the bed. "How does this look?"

"It's so pretty!" Cat gasped. "You should wear it!"

"I'll go try it on, then," she replied, heading to the bathroom to change into it.

After she had slipped the dress on, she took in her appearance in the mirror.

She actually didn't hate what she saw for once.

The raven haired beauty walked back into her bedroom, and Cat squealed in delight.

"Oh my gosh, Beck's gonna be all over you!"

"You really think so?"

"Duh!" Cat exclaimed. "His eyes will be on you all night!"

"Well I'd sure hope so," Jade chuckled, slipping on a pair of black heels that sat in her closet.

"You look so pretty!"

"Thanks kitty," Jade replied. "You don't think this is too much, do you?"

"Nope! It's perfect!"

Jade let out a sigh of relief. "Okay."

After she had finished getting completely ready, she checked the time on her phone, which read six-thirty.

"I have thirty minutes until he gets here," the goth announced, feeling quite nervous.

She was never usually nervous when it came to dates, but this time, it was different.

Beck didn't seem like the complete player she had once thought he was.

Nobody could blame her for thinking he'd be a player, though. He was handsome, charming, funny, kind at some points.

The whole package.

But he had already helped her so many times already, with Brendan and such. He seemed much more likeable than she had thought.

Maybe he could be her Prince Charming after all.


When the doorbell finally rang, Cat immediately squealed, and Jade rushed to the living room as Cat followed and plopped onto her best friend's couch.

The goth opened the door, and there stood Beck Oliver, clad in a nice dress-shirt along with slacks and a wide grin on his lips.

But when he took in her appearance, his eyes widened and he felt his cheeks burn.

He had known she was quite pretty, but he never realized she was this beautiful.

"Uh, hi," he breathed, not able to take his eyes off of her.

Cat giggled from her place on the couch as Jade blushed, staring down at her feet.


"R-Ready to go?"

She nodded, turning to say bye to Cat before walking out the door.

"Don't keep her out too late!" Cat called out to Beck, who rolled his eyes playfully and nodded, heading out the door and shutting the door behind him.

This whole "fake-dating" thing might be harder than he had previously thought.


Boom! Another chapter :)

I cringed while writing this lmao.

Hope you liked it!

Until next time!

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