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"Jade?!" Beck rushed over to the crumpled girl on the floor, pressing two fingers to her wrist, trying to find a pulse.

When there wasn't one, he immediately called nine-one-one.

"Hello, what is your emergency?"

"I need an ambulance," he answered, his heart beating violently in fear.


"Eastwood Drive," He replied quickly. "Apartment number seventeen."

"Alright, help is on the way."

Beck nodded, even though he knew the woman couldn't see him. He placed his phone down and carefully lifted Jade up, going over to the couch to lay her down, making sure to keep checking for a pulse.

He had no idea who the guy he knocked out was, but he was glad he did.

He just wished he would've gotten there sooner.

"Jade," he murmured as he heard sirens in the distance. "You're gonna be okay. It'll all be okay."

She remained still.

Beck sighed shakily as he stood up, going to open the door for the paramedics.

Five minutes later the paramedics rushed in, lifting Jade onto a stretcher, as a cop walked inside as well.

"Officer Barry," the cop introduced himself to Beck, who felt as if it was getting harder to breathe.


Officer Barry eyed the unconscious guy on the floor, then Jade, who was being taken out of the apartment on the stretcher.

"I assume he did this, correct?"

Beck nodded.

"Was she your girlfriend?" Officer Barry asked, crouching down next to the unconscious boy, checking for a pulse.

Beck shook his head.


Another shake of his head.


He nodded.

Officer Barry sighed, standing up to place a hand in Beck's shoulder. "Mind telling me exactly what happened?"

"I need to get to the hospital."

"She'll be fine."

"You don't know that."

Another sigh came from the officer. "If you don't tell me what happened, I won't be able to do anything about it."

Beck let out a shaky sigh. "He was choking her. I don't know what happened before that. All I saw when I rushed in was his hand around her throat."

Officer Barry nodded, writing it down in one of those notepads cops always carried around. "Alright. You won't have to worry about him anymore, and neither does she. And when this boy wakes up, we'll confront him privately."

Beck nodded.

"You head off to the hospital," the officer said, his eyes on the unconscious guy. "I'll take care of this."

He nodded again, already hurrying out the door.



"Beck Oliver."

"Patient's name?"


"Last name?"

Beck's brows furrowed. "Uh, I actually don't know..."

The receptionist sighed, looking at her computer. "Jade West?"

"Uh, yeah," Beck replied, hoping it was the right person.

"You'll be able to see her shortly. Go take a seat, please."

He nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets and heading over to the waiting room.

Just as he sat down, he saw a flash of red hair rush inside.

"Where is she?!"

Beck got a glimpse of her face, and he ran over to her. "Cat!"

Cat whirled around, facing him. "Beck! Oh my gosh, is Jade okay? Tell me!"

"Hey, hey, calm down," Beck responded calmly. "The receptionist said we'll be able to see her soon. Let's just go sit down, okay?"

Cat let out a heavy sigh. "Okay."

They both walked back over to the waiting room, sitting next to each other in the chairs.

"She needs to be okay," Cat whimpered. "I told her to file a restraining order against that guy!"

Beck took a deep breath. "Cat, who was that guy?"

"I can't tell you."

"Cat- "

"I can't tell you, okay Beck?!" The red head huffed. "She'll tell you when she's ready. All I care about right now is making sure she's okay!"

Beck nodded in understanding. "Alright, I get it."

"Thank you."

"How did you know something happened?" Beck then asked her.

"The hospital called me," she answered, playing with her fingers nervously. "I'm on her emergency contact list."

"Wow," Beck breathed. "You guys are really close, huh?"

"Duh," Cat rolled her eyes. "We've been best friends since kindergarten. We only have each other."

"She's lucky to have you."

"No," Cat shook her head. "I'm lucky to have her.


Another short chapter. Slowly getting back into the writing groove.

Btw, I know nothing about doctors, or hospitals, or cops, so...I apologize.

Hope you enjoyed :)

Until next time!

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