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Beck woke up a few hours later, noticing that it was now getting dark outside.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up as much as he could with Jade cuddling up next to him, still sleeping soundly.

He ran his fingers through his hair, chuckling softly at how cute sleeping Jade was.

He didn't know whether to stay, or leave. She would probably wonder where he went if he left and start bugging him about it, so he chose to just stay with her.

The Canadian slipped out of bed carefully and headed to the kitchen, wondering if there was anything he could use to make coffee.

Not for him, but for her.

Sure enough, she had a coffee maker and some coffee grounds, along with milk and sugar.

Why would she go to the coffee shop everyday if she has perfectly good coffee right here? He asked himself silently as he made some black coffee with two sugars.

He had no idea how he remembered that.

After a couple of minutes the coffee was done, and he poured it into a mug before heading back to the bedroom.

He sat back down next to her on the bed, gently shaking her awake.

She groaned, turning away from him.

He rolled his eyes. "I have coffee."

She turned back around, holding her hand out for the mug.

"Nuh uh," he said. "Wake up, then you can have it."

Jade sighed, pushing herself to sit up and run her fingers through her slightly disheveled hair.

He handed her the coffee mug, which she grabbed eagerly and immediately downed most of it.

"What time is it?" She then asked after she finished her coffee.

Beck checked his watch. "Uh, about ten o'clock. P.M."

"I know it's P.M., scumbag," she scowled, leaning her head back against the bed rest.

"Geez, cranky much?" He muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, if you're gonna give me attitude you can leave," Jade snapped at him.

"You gave me attitude first."

"This is my house."

"You're the one being a brat."

"I'm not a child."

"Well you're acting like one."

"Oh yeah?" She climbed onto his lap and straddled him, catching him off guard when he saw the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "And what are you gonna do about it?"

His hands gripped her hips tightly, his eyes staring deeply into hers.

"I'll show you what I'm gonna do about it."

He pressed his lips to hers passionately, knocking the breath out of her instantly.

But she didn't care as her fingers tangled in his hair, roughly pulling on his brown locks as his tongue slipped into her mouth.

A soft moan left her lips as his tongue roamed her mouth, exploring every inch and crevice.

Her fingers tightened on his hair as his lips pulled away from hers, trailing down her neck and collarbone, softly sucking which she knew was going to leave hickeys the next day.

She had previously thought she wanted to wait before she went all the way with him, but at this point, she honestly couldn't care less.

She knew he wouldn't hurt her.

She tugged off his shirt, indicating that she wanted it off. He happily obliged, slipping off his shirt, throwing it somewhere on the floor.

She slipped off her own shirt and threw it somewhere in the room along with his. She kissed him deeply again, her fingers unbuckling his jeans in a rush.

Soon, their clothes were scattered on the floor, and they soon became whole, their world fading into bliss.


Beck Oliver was conflicted.

He honestly felt so confused, his eyes on the girl sound asleep on his bare chest.

He didn't know if any of this was for the money anymore.

Did he still want the money? Sure. Definitely.

But the more his eyes stayed fixed on the raven haired beauty, the more his feelings made no sense at all.

And he wasn't just feeling that way because of the sex.

But he wasn't going to lie- that was easily the best sex he ever had.

But he couldn't let his feelings get in the way of the main priority.

The money.

He had already came up with a plan. He got her to fall for him, got her to have sex with him.

Now all he needed was to ask her to be his girlfriend, and he could finally get his money.

And this whole fake-dating thing would be over.

He wasn't sure if it was even fake anymore, but he didn't care. The more he thought about his feelings, the more conflicted he became.

His feelings weren't important. He couldn't depend on them.

So it was settled. The next day he would finally ask her to be his girlfriend, and he would earn his money in no time.

Let's just hope it would play out the way he wanted.


I tried not to write full on smut, okay. Just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm innocent, I could've written it in detail- but I don't want this book to have a mature rating lmao.

Hopefully it wasn't too was hard not to go into detail.

And yes, I have no shame about whatever the chiz I'm talking about :)

Comment your thoughts, pleaseeyyy.

Until next time!

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