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Fiona: yes she did. Now shoo

Annabel: (slaps Kimberly) never disrespect my brother.

Me: (slaps Annabel) don't slap Kimberly..... Ever.

Bill: (tried to slap me but missed and slapped Fiona) oops my bad.

Me: (kicks Bill) never ever bully my sister.... Ever.

Annabel : we'll see (and she storms off with Bill)

I did not even know the whole school was gawking at us. I'll ave never ever retaliated, but they get on my nerves. I would never ever want my parents, Bob, Prisci or even Ceci to hear that I fought in front of the whole school, and right we got bruises and one thing my hair is short, I can't even cover it, Later journal, You know the usual, Mrs Glen just walked in.

During lunch

Me: I'm so sorry I got you in so much trouble today, i'm referring that "you" to both you Fiona and Kim.

Kim: no probs at all, it's just the bullying that icks me out.

Fiona : me too , I hate the bullying.

Me: we have to do something.

Kim: but what?

Fiona: yeah, they're the most popular people (pauses to eat 2 French fries) and bullies in Blue Ocean  High.

Me: that doesn't mean we can't stop them.

Kim: so are we going to become popular and overshadow them?

Annabel: well you can't try (she nodded to her clique) we would still overpower you.

Me: yeah, just like too much pepper overpowers a dish (rolling my eyes).

Annabel: you know that fight was nothing. (she then comes up close to my face) it's just the beginning.

Me: (coughs) you know I can smell that oddly pickle smell.

Fiona: ew (dropping her French fry)

Kim: where is that sponge that follows you around?

Annabel: don't you dare call my brother sponge, ever again.

Me: how do you know that is what she's talking about? She might be talking about your makeup sponge or or.....

Annabel: that's enough, let's go girls.

And With that she sashayed away.

My high school experienceWhere stories live. Discover now