telling mom

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On the phone with mom.
Me: hey mom
Mom: hey Joey, anything wrong? 😮
Me: no mom, I just wanted to tell you that Kimberly's parents would be out of town for a week, so she wants to come over.
Mom: we'll be delighted to have her around .
Me: OK mom, we're on our way, see you soon.
Mom: bye sweetie.

Kim and Fiona come over.
Kim: so?
Me: (putting on a sad face😔) she said...........
They do look discouraged by my look, it's working 😁😉
Me: she said........... (with an excited look) yes
Fio: squeeeeeeee
We were all jumping up and down.

On our way home
Kim: I can't wait to see where you live.
Fio: I know right.

After walking a few more blocks.
Jo: this is it.

Kim: no wayFio: yes way

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Kim: no way
Fio: yes way.
Person: hey, shoooo, out of my way.
Fio: oh, hey Bob.
Bob: hey, who's the new girl? We adopting her?
Referring to Kimberly.
Jo: no, she's our friend Kim, she's staying here for a week.
Bob: OK, nice to meet you .
Kim: nice to meet you too.
Bob: gotta go, have lot of homework to do.

In the house
Kim: wow, this place is beautiful 😍.

In the house Kim: wow, this place is beautiful 😍

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Mum: welcome back sweeties.
Jo: (hugging her) good afternoon mum.
Fio: afternoon mum
Kim: good afternoon Mrs Tactus. 😀
Mum: Good afternoon dear, you must be Kimberly.
Kim: yes I am.
Mum: (looking at me) why don't you show her to your room while I cook lunch.
Fio: ok mum.
Me: (pulling her arm) let's go.
We run up the stairs and into our room.
Kim: wow, this place just keeps on getting better.

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Fio: yep, I'll get the extra bed

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Fio: yep, I'll get the extra bed.
Me: OK, I'll help you unpack your bags (looking at Kim).

I then saw a picture of 2 adults, 3 girls and 1 boy in her bag.
Me: who are those?
Kim: oh that's my 👪 family.
My mom, dad, my sisters and brother.
Me: what are your siblings names?
Kim: my brother is Jim, my younger sister is Zoe. They are both in elementary school.
Jo: nice.
Kim : my elder sister is Stephanie.

Then Cecilia rushes in
Ceci: Jo, I lost my favorite pen again
One thing about Ceci and Prisci is that they always lose their pens.

Me: OK, I'll help you find it later
Ceci : OK, who's that (pointing at Kim)
Me: she's my friend, Kimberly.
Kim: hi
Ceci: nice meeting you.
Kim: same here.

After we had gotten Kim settled.
Me: so, doesn't your sister attend school?
Kim: oh She does, she just doesn't go to Blue Ocean High.
She goes to South Ridge.
Fio: oh, that school, our cousin, Bree goes there.

Kim: is she Bree Tactus?
Me: no, she's Bree DeVaine.
Kim: oh, oh. Oh, they're best friends.
Fio: that's nice.
Someone Knocks
Me: come in
Mom: although food is ready, There is a surprise waiting for you.
I jump up, I think I know what it is.
Me: let's go
Fio: jeez, calm down

I take two steps at a time to get down the stairs, but nothing's in the living room or in any other room.
Me: mom, I thought you said that there was a surprise.
Mom: there is, in the backyard.
I 🏃 run to the backyard

 I 🏃 run to the backyard

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to see my dad standing.
Me: welcome back dad. (hugging him)
Fio: good afternoon dad.
Kim: good afternoon Mr Tactus.
Dad: oh, you must be Kimberly Brown.
Kim: yes sir.
Dad: so about the surprise.

He wanted to remove a blanket that was covering something. But hesitated
Me: dad, come on, the suspense is killing me.
Dad: ok
He removed the blanket to reveal ..................

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