Annabel is rich?!

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9th May (Tuesday)
In English class.
Mrs Glen : so class,  who can tell me the meaning of SCHMICK?
I raised up my hand.
Mrs Glen : (scanning the class)  yes Ms Tactus, Do you have a question?
Me: oh no Mrs Glen,  I wanted to answer the question on Schmick. Mrs Glen : oh ok,  😃go on.
Me: Schmick means fashionable,  elegant or attractive. For example,  Mrs Glen wears Schmick clothes.
Mrs Glen : why thank you,  she's correct,  a round of applause 👏 for Joana.
The class claps.
Me: 😊
Mrs Glen : OK so,  what is the meaning of BERSERK?
Julia raises up her hand ✋.
Mrs Glen : yes Julia?
Julia: berserk means very angry,  mostly in a violent way.  It also means very excited.
Mrs Glen : round of applause 👏 for Julia.
Class claps.
Julia : 😀

After school. 4: 05 pm
Very few people left in School.
Me: (to the mouthpiece for Julia, Juliet,   Kim and Fiona to hear me) plan A starts now.
So I walk up to Annabel
Me: (trying to be cheerful) oh hi Annabel.
Annabel: don't play games with me Tactus. Why are you saying hi?
Me: remember when you mentioned that I could join you and your clique?
Annabel: when was that?
At school
Annabel: why didn't your hoodlums come after school?  We waited for long,  like long. You never came.
Me: FYI, they're not hoodlums, and you should be asking them why they didn't come,  that's not my business.......
Fiona and Kimberly walk past me.
Annabel: what's up with them?
Me: I don't know and right now I don't care. 🙅
Annabel: you can join us if you want,  let's go girls.
Wait,  she didn't just say I CAN JOIN THEM IF I WANT.  Oh no 😱
Me: do you now remember?
Annabel: oh (laughs)  so it's now you want to join after accusing us of stealing your idea, for the history project. sorry Tactus,  opportunity for you to join us has expired.
And she sashayed away like she always does.
I bring out my mouthpiece.
Me: (to the mouthpiece) phase 1 completed, time to execute phase 2.

We get on our bikes 🚲 and pedal as fast as possible to catch Up with Annabel's limo.
Wait limo?

4: 32 pm
You'll not believe where Annabel lives.

She lives in a mansion

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She lives in a mansion.
Julia falls of her bike in maybe shock, winced and shrieked. Annabel,  Bill and the driver look behind them
Me: (whispering) hide!
We hid behind a bush till they got into the mansion.
Me: Julia are you OK?
Jukia: yeah,  I'm good
Fio: how are we gonna get in?
Kim: yes that's heavy security.
It was true,  it was really heavy.
Me: don't worry,  I've gotten the address down. We'll come back here when we figure out how to get in.
Let's go.

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