4th of May (6 am)

23 7 0


Morning journal.


I haven't studied well for today's English test , I'll probably flunk the test. 😢.

I'm getting out of bed now and heading to the bathroom while writing in you.

Multitasking is great right?

Yeah, but I should probably be reading my English note.

8:15 am

In the school hallway.

Great! Annabel wasn't in the hallway.

During free period .

Kim: how did your test go?

Fio: it was great. I know I'm going to pass.

Kim: mine was great, what about you Jo?

Just the question to spoil my day.

Me: Um........ It was ok.

Kim: just OK?

Me: yes. (annoyed by the question)

Fio: you said you'll probably flunk the test, so do you think you did?

Me: well........ No

Actually yes. I remembered what to write but kept thinking about what Annabel said. I don't know why it's really bothering me. I don't want Annabel to think that I was scared and I didn't want to start being popular and all that. I LIKE MY LIFE THE WAY IT IS. I don't need more drama in my life than I already have.

Fio: Jo, you OK? You totally lost it there.

Me: no, I'm not.

Kim: why not?

I hadn't told her about the text yet.

After I told her

Kim: great, let's compete.

Me: really? Not a good idea ✖💡

Fio: why not? We'll show her who's boss. She's not the boss of me.

Kim: talking about who is the boss of who? She's getting some kid into trouble in the hallway. (pointing at the door).

Me: yeah yeah. Mrs Glen would take care of her.

Fio: I thought you cared, yesterday you cared and now you want Mrs Glen to take care of her.

Me: just let me be, ok?

Kim: wow, that text really affected you(writing something down).

Me: yeah, thanks for reminding me.

It's like when I want to relax my mind. Kimberly just brings up something I don't want to hear.

Mrs Glen walks in.

Mrs Glen : so for those that wrote my test, I'll be handing over your scores.

thank you Mrs Glen for worsening my mood.

She starts handing over the test. 

Great, wait what..........


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